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Caroline Celico


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Carol interview:

- How do you feel?

- I’m fine, I am still willing. I’m glad to get a girl this time. In the second pregnancy, we are not as careful as in the first, when everything is new. But I try to rest, even having to take care of Luca. Try to rest and eat well.

- When you became pregnant with Luca, you said that pregnancy was a miracle. Did you feel the same this time?

- I have polycystic ovaries. The first pregnancy was a surprise and a miracle, certainly because I did not ovulate. To ovulate, I should begin a treatment that, thank God, it was not necessary. I was also six months without having my period and decided to take some medicine. As the drug is an abortifacient, it took a blood test. Before taking, called me announcing that I was pregnant three weeks of Luca. It was a great joy. This time, I thought it would take longer, and took the pregnancy of Luca, and was faster than expected. I was surprised again.

- Did you want a girl?

- I wanted that my first baby was a boy. Now, I really wanted a girl. Sure, I would be happy with two boys, but I was extremely happy.

- Did you choose the name?

- Not yet. Perhaps Isabella or Nathalie.

- You are in the seventh month of pregnancy. You said, you want to go to Sao Paulo to give birth. Why is it important that the child will born in Brazil?

- Because I have the support of my family that lives there, and I will not have to travel with the little baby when Kakà have finished the championship in May.

- How are you as a mother?

- I am a disciplined. I like to see Lucas play and evolve every day. Since birth, it is hard to keep away from him, even for an afternoon. We are very attached.

- Who is Kaka for you? What makes it special?

- What I admire most in him is gratitude to God. Kaka made me fall in love with God, and know that God made me discover the one and only true love for Kaka. We never were driven by passion or by fleeting moments, but by a deep love. Kaka is admirable, he is extremely disciplined and faithful to everything that is involved with.”

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