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Z!NK Magazine


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I'm not sure if this is allowed, but here's this thread and if it's allowed on well great if not well I'm sorry. :(

I went to the hairdresser that's near my house. It's this lady and she does it in her garage. Sickest thing ever. Has a great vibe, that place. And of course hse has fashion magszines there! And that's why I went, because my sister was getting a haircut, and not I. So, what's something that really interested you form this magazine? (ect.)

Another reaosn why I created this thread was because I had a question, I think it's last month's or this month's issue, (are they monthly, I'm not even sure actually) and they had these photographs of eyemakeup, which filled up the whole page. Actually, I had to look at it for a second to figure out that they were eyes. One of them was pitch black, and on the eye liner area there was red gooing out, like lava. I took the names o it down on a givenchy perfume card but I kindof lost that :|

Does anyone know about that?

Also, I've discovered new art from that issue, so if you know what I'm talking about you can tell me about those photographs. The art feautred was that of Mijn Schatje. I am an art apreciater, and i'm even amateur at that:S And this art intrigued me :) post-26695-0-1446012808-27162_thumb.png

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