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She's one hot mama! Camila Alves stuns in scarlet as she shows off her incredible physique at launch of Target's Pillowfort collection for kids

Camila Alves definitely knows how to to turn heads.

The model wife of Oscar winning actor Matthew McConaughey headlined an event for Target in New York City wearing an eye-popping red dress.

The Brazilian beauty, 34, showed her ample cleavage on the low-cut frock that had an asymetrical hem that showcased her lovely legs. 

Mama mia! Camila Alves simply smoldered as she headlined a launch event for Target's Pillowfort collection for kids in New York City on_0001.jpgStunner_ The Brazilian model, 34, showcased her incredible figure in a low-cut scarlet dress with an asymmetrical hem.jpgBevy of beauties_ Celebrity moms Maggie Gyllenhaal and Katie Holmes joined Camila at the event.jpg

The mom of three added a pair of matching red sandals with zebra stripe heels and left her dark hair to fall softly around her face and over her shoulders.

The event was a promotional opportunity for Target's new Pillowfort home collection for kids.

Also on hand to celebrate the new product line was Tom Cruise's ex-wife Katie Holmes, 37, and also actress Maggie Gyllenhaal, 38, both of whom are showbiz moms.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3475934/Camila-Alves-stuns-scarlet-shows-incredible-physique-launch-Target-s-Pillowfort-collection-kids.html#ixzz4210FxYxn
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Style in black and white! Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey take couples' dressing to fashionable new level at the star-studded Unite4:Humanity Gala

Dressing with your loved one in mind is normally reserved for Halloween, but this celebrity couple is making dressing for two-ultra chic.

Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey proved why they are one of Hollywood's hottest duos at Variety's Unite4:Humanity Gala hosted by Ketel One vodka.

The married pair went for complementary monochrome looks for the third annual event held at the Montage in Beverly Hills, California, on Thursday night.Chic couple: Camila Alves and Matthew McConaughey proved why they are one of Hollywood's hottest duos at Variety's Unite4:Humanity Gala in Beverly Hills Thursday night 

Dramatic: The Brazilian beauty's unusual gown featured a white panel combined with a black one which was joined together by a black waist bandDramatic: The Brazilian beauty's unusual gown featured a white panel combined with a black one which was joined together by a black waist bandRisky business: The dress had a plunging neckline which ensured that the model risked a wardrobe malfunction with every pose and turnAdded extras: The model ported a chic clutch by Tyler Alexandra that complimented her black and white lookHollywood glam: Adding to the drama, the frock also wrapped around the mother of three's neckPeek-a-boo: Turning its sexy level to ten, the gown also had a thigh high split from which her toned leg would occasionally peep. Camila is pictured with Camilla BelleMaking friends: The Brazilian model nuzzled into Morgan Freeman's neck as the couple enjoyed the festivitiesMaking her mark: She signed the blackboard with what she stands for

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The Many Facets of Camila Alves

Wife, mother, daughter, friend, philanthropist, businesswoman, model and designer: The art of juggling multiple roles and shining brilliantly.

By Deborah Hamilton-Lynne, Photos by Tania Quintanilla, Styled by Ashely Hargrove and Kate Murice, Makeup by Kelsey James, Hair by Jorge Buccio

It is 9 a.m. on an unseasonably warm December morning. The crew is assembled in a small studio on the Eastside. Everything is in place: makeup palette, various hair products and paraphernalia, more than $80,000 of clothing hanging on racks, lights, backdrops and green juices to get us through the day. The stylist holds up a pair of $48,000 diamond earrings that have been registered with the Smithsonian and everyone swoons.

Austin Woman Creative Director Niki Jones and I discuss our plan for the photo shoot with the photographer as the anticipation grows. Although Austin doesn’t really lend itself to a celebrity culture, we are, after all, preparing to photograph one of Austin’s most visible, glamorous and recognizable women, and we want to get it right. Expecting that she will arrive with an entourage, or at least a couple of assistants, I barely recognize the woman who rushes in alone. Dressed for comfort, she is wearing a white cotton buttondown shirt with sleeves rolled up and a pair of cream-colored jeans. The first thing I notice is the way her long tousled hair moves, but when she removes her sunglasses, her smile fills the room, and as everyone relaxes and goes about their jobs, I know it is going to be a great day.

There is an art to cutting diamonds into multiple facets to best release the fire and the brilliance of the stone. Camila Alves is a woman whose life has taken many twists and turns, testing her often and allowing her to define her priorities and values. In the process, she has become multifaceted, and like the strongest stone on earth, she shines brilliantly. Juggling these facets and making them all mesh has released her fire and passions. While she is frequently strolling down the red carpet with her accomplished husband, Matthew McConaughey, the role she most cherishes is being a mother. She has, after all, spent 15 years as a professional model, so it comes as a surprise that she is slightly anxious about this cover story.

“Sorry, I am a little tired,” Alves says, talking to the hair and makeup crew. “I didn’t get much sleep last night, up with one of the kids.”

I reassure her that she couldn’t be any more beautiful.

“I never do interviews here in Austin because this is Matthew’s hometown, the place he loves, and I really respect that,” she explains. “I want this to be the way people in Austin get to know the ‘real’ me.”

Determined to honor that heartfelt request, I decide on the spot to let Alves show off all of her facets and tell her story in her own words. There are many words that I would use to describe this high-profile woman—strong, determined, faithful, intelligent, loving, passionate, talented, beautiful—but the one word that encompasses all of the facets is “genuine.” She is the real deal.

Watching the transformation from everyday Camila to supermodel bewitches everyone in the studio. As she steps in front of the camera for the first shot, she is completely on. The camera loves her and she loves the camera. Never pretentious but always confident in her look and what will look right for her, Alves works with the team on all aspects of the shoot, from wardrobe to hair to makeup.

She is a total pro and, before I know it, she is back in her street clothes and we are sharing a Chinese chicken salad during the interview like old friends. The interview goes longer than expected and ends when her phone notifies her of a prior engagement with her No. 1 priority. She hurriedly says her goodbyes as she rushes out the door to spend time with her children. She is perfectly backlit as she opens the door of the dark studio, a woman whose many facets are shining brilliantly.

Coming to America and Becoming a Model

I came here when I was 15 to live with my aunt in L.A. When I left Brazil, my family, my friends, my culture, I left everything I knew. I was so young, but once I got on the plane, I knew I wasn’t going back. I didn’t speak English; all I could say was “Hi, how are you?” “How much does this cost?” and “I don’t speak English,” but I didn’t have the luxury to call my parents to pay my bills, so I cleaned houses and worked in restaurants as I learned English and saved to go to New York to look for an agency to represent me.

Growing up, I was always the ugly duck of the group. I was super skinny and my hair was super curly and big. All my friends had boyfriends, and I was the only one that didn’t. I never really looked at myself as beautiful. My mom said that I would look at pictures and magazines. I saw a Chanel ad and told her that was what I was going to do. When I was 14, I was tall for my age, and someone stopped me and asked if I had ever thought of being a model. That is when the seed was planted and things started to happen.

I was dating a musician who was on a tour and he was going to New York City. He asked me if I wanted to go with him to see the modeling agencies, so I literally went to every agency in the city and they all said no until I was in the street with my portfolio under my arm, crying, thinking it was all over and not going to happen for me. I was thinking I might have to go back to Brazil. The last agency I went to was Major Models. They are still around today and they said yes, they wanted to work with me.

I am a very optimistic person. My dad taught me to never sell myself short, and in the few times I have felt like giving up, I looked to the sky and said, “God, if I don’t have something important to do here, then take me back to the things I know, to my family and my friends, back to Brazil.” Every time that happened, I felt like God opened a door and was saying, “No, you have to keep going this way.”

camila4.pngOn Matthew McConaughey

We met at a bar on Sunset Boulevard. It is public knowledge, and it was one of those things. He was trying to call me across the room, but I am not that kind of woman, so he got up and came over to me. We started talking and didn’t stop. From the moment we started to spend time with each other, we have not been apart.

I left my apartment and everything in it in New York, and came to live with him in the Airstream in Malibu. My father is Old School, and he thought I was crazy. We don’t even have trailers in Brazil. It took him awhile to come around.

When we decided to have kids before we got married, that was a big thing for my family but not for us; it was a conscious decision for us. I told my mom, but I made Matthew tell my dad. They had dinner and because my dad doesn’t speak English, my brother had to translate the conversation. It was tricky.

One thing I love about our relationship is that we really want to see each other do their best at whatever we want to do, to be their best at whatever we want to be or choose to do. We have a lot of respect for each other, and respect is a big thing for me. Respect is the key to any relationship.

My everyday life is very different than my red-carpet life. On the red carpet, I have a full team that helps me because it is like getting ready for a wedding day every time you go to an event. I do this out of respect for Matthew and for what he does, his talent and his work. We have created a plan with the children’s school, which allows all of us to travel together when he is on set. We live in the Airstream and I am cooking for him every day.

On Motherhood

I always knew I wanted to have a family and that I wanted to have my children when I was young. Motherhood is the kind of thing that no one gets you ready for. It is the most beautiful thing, but it is hard work, an adventure every day.

One of the things I love about motherhood is that the minute you become a mother, every single one of your priorities changes instantly, and I didn’t realize that would happen. Everything I thought was important, all of a sudden, it was not important and it became easy for me to make decisions because every decision I made was for the best for my family. If it takes away from my family, I am not doing it and it is not going to happen.

Having kids has made me sensitive to the things around me. My capacity for love for the whole world is bigger. I am more empathetic and less selfish. Now I feel really bad being selfish, even if I need to be.

On Style

My style changes all of the time, depending on where I am and what I am doing. Before I had kids, I wanted to be sexier, and after I had kids and got married, I still wanted to be sexy but also respectful of what I carry behind me.

I like to have fun with style and also like things that are timeless and ageless. I like a mix of vintage and designer clothing, and jewelry things that are very beautiful and tasteful. I mix and match a lot. I get my $9 earrings or clothes from Target, and I mix with very fancy pieces. Most of my expensive jewelry has been given to me as a gift. I love collecting vintage pins and jewelry.

I always mix high and low. I have a really hard time paying a lot of money. I come from a simple background and I love a bargain. In my life, I always had to make things look better than what they cost.

The biggest mistake women make is when they try to look like someone else. The beauty of fashion is that every single woman can look different; they can put their own flavor on an outfit. When I need to get inspired, I watch the everyday woman.

On Her Priorities

My No. 1 priority is my family. I love them the most. After I had my third child, my time became more limited and my husband was working a lot, project after project. And time is a limited thing, so I started to think about the things I really enjoy doing and decided that is how I am going to spend my time, do the things that I love: cooking, decorating, entertaining and my kids’ activities. I enjoy anything that is related to creating a beautiful lifestyle.

If I wanted to be present in my kids’ lives, I had to shift my priorities, and that was very important to me. I stepped back from my handbag-design business that I created with my mother. I realized how hard it is to be a woman and juggle everything. Deep down, I think all women want their home to be beautiful, they want to look their best and they want to cook for family and friends. I am passionate about sharing those things, and anything I can do to encourage and help other women makes me happy. I like to touch people on a deeper level, bring a smile to their faces and share the things I love to do.

I always try to be in a good place in life. I can’t stand false drama. Life is going to bring real drama naturally, so save ourselves for when that happens. Right now, I’m just enjoying my life. I am my husband’s biggest supporter. I want to see him doing the best that he can. That makes me extremely happy. I believe that everything falls into place when it is supposed to.

On Business

I have to work. I have worked my entire life. Otherwise, I would go crazy. In my mind, I have always been a businesswoman. I love marketing ideas and developing products. I love to hear stories of how businesses got started and how they grew, how they operate and connect.

When you are creating a business, it is a big commitment. The first question I ask myself is, “Do I love it?” You can never succeed in something you aren’t passionate about. I am very excited by my new partnership with Target, which will allow me to share tips and advice for other moms about all of the things I am passionate about, from decorating and entertaining to beauty and cooking.

camila3.pngOn Philanthropy

I have always done charity work, ever since I was a kid. Growing up in Brazil, it is almost impossible to ignore the need. We started JKL [Just Keep Living Foundation] when Levi was born. We sold his baby pictures to fund the foundation, and people questioned that, but we wanted to control those first photos and gave 100 percent to fund the foundation, and it has become more successful than we could have imagined. In six years, we are in 24 schools across the country, in L.A., Austin, Dallas and New Orleans.

I call the work of the foundation the science of happiness. Happiness is the result when it all comes together, and we have proof of our success, from the grades to the graduation rates to the jobs our kids are getting when they participate in the program. It has four pillars: fitness, wellness, service and nutrition. It started as an after-school fitness program for teenagers during their most vulnerable years. We wanted to give the kids a safe place to go. We included all kids: those with special needs, the athletes and those with low self-esteem and weight problems. We talked about the problem of bullying in school, taught them about nutrition on a budget and took them outside of their neighborhoods to see that there is a big world around them. They are learning how to be a productive and active part of their community. It is amazing to see how it has changed them.

On Austin

Matthew has a long history with Austin. He made most of his good friends here when he went to UT. He genuinely loves this town and we really wanted to raise our children here.

The thing that I love most about Austin is the way the people are, who they are and they own it, not trying to act like something else and not trying to look like something they are not; they are who they are. People here don’t expect you to be like anyone else. They are not overly impressed with celebrity. They are very accepting, proud but not trying to prove anything. Austin people just smile when they see us in a grocery store and give us a high five like they are happy we are here.

People who live in Austin are happy to live in Austin and they are happy with what they are doing. My children’s teachers are happy to be teachers, content with their life. People here think outside the box and there are a lot of talented people here. Everyone wants everyone else to do well and succeed. People want to share their happiness. There are a lot of smart people here and people believe in each other.

We go to church every Sunday when we are here. Our kids are learning to be part of the community. We can share traditions, family and sports. Austin is a liberal city in a conservative state and we like that balance. It is a good place to raise our kids.

Fashionably Camila

Bringing high style to the runway for the third annual Mack, Jack and McConaughey.

 “This event is very important to us. Raising funds for the organization to help kids and families is near and dear to our hearts, so when the guys [Mack Brown, Jack Ingram and Matthew McConaughey] got together and planned the weekend with the concert and the golf tournament, I started to think about what the wives were going to do if they didn’t play golf, and I came up with a fashion show and put it together with Neiman Marcus. It has grown and this year will include a Champagne reception, runway show and luncheon to be held at the W Hotel.” – Camila Alves

“Mack and I have been so thrilled that Matt hew has brought Camila into our lives. Everything is more joyful when she is around. She epitomizes beauty and elegance and is brilliant and funny. Working with her and playing with her are equally great. Through the fashion show, she has added her personality and style to MJ&M.” – Sally Brown

Mack, Jack and McConaughey

April 16 and 17, 2015

This two-day event includes a golf tournament, gala, outstanding auction, two concerts and a runway fashion show, all to raise funds for organizations that empower children and families.

Fashion Show

April 17, W Hotel

Presented by Neiman Marcus Featuring Milly. Tickets start at $125. For more information: mackjackmcconaughey.org

camila5.pngFive-minute Q&A With Camila Alves

Austin Woman: What are the five things you can’t live without?

Camila Alves: My family, floss, my tea, my blessed charm necklace and steak every so often!

AW: What’s one thing you would rather do without?

CA: E-mails. I am really bad at it and prefer a phone call.

AW: What’s the Camila style?

CA: My everyday outfit is jeans and a button-down shirt and my old gray and pink Converse shoes.

AW: What’s one thing that sets an outfit apart?

CA: How you make a basic outfit unique to your taste and personality.

AW: What do you look for in accessories (handbags, shoes, jewelry)?

CA: For me, it has to be practical and unique. I am not a big fan of wearing one brand head to toe or wearing something that I see five other ladies wearing.

AW: Who are your favorite designers for clothing and jewelry?

CA: I love so many designers, from fancy to simple, I could go on and on about, but I will tell you that for jewelry, I love Neil Lane.

AW: What are the best-kept secret places to shop in Austin for costume/vintage jewelry, as well as clothes?

CA: OK, I do have my favorite place about 30 minutes away, outside of town, but if I tell you, it won’t be a secret anymore and I won’t be able to find the vintage jewelry that I collect anymore! So I am going to keep that one to myself!

AW: What are the things you like about Austin, places to eat, things to do?

CA: My favorite sushi restaurant in the world is Uchi, and when I say that, I mean it! I have been to sushi restaurants all over the globe, including Japan, and every time I am there, I wish I was at Uchi! My fast grab-and-go food places are Fresa’s Chicken and Maudie’s Mexican food. I can’t have enough of them too! I love to take the kids kayaking on the lake. Even my little guy loves it and sits through it the whole time.

On the Quirks That Make Her Who She Is

  • I love floss, can’t go anywhere without flossing. I have to have it in my purse at all times.
  • I am obsessed with documentaries.
  • I have a fascination with the premade homes. Every time I see one, I have to go inside.
  • I love flowers and making my own arrangements. I do it for my house and my friends. It is my therapy.
  • I love chocolate, peppermint tea, chips and salsa, french fries and my husband’s steak.
  • I love to travel and I love Greece.
  • I love my kids’ laughs. It is the best sound in the world.

- See more at: http://www.austinwomanmagazine.com/articles/the-many-facets-of-camila-alves#sthash.gSg5j7Ao.dpuf

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Let’s Dance! Camila Alves and Local Students Kick Off UNICEF Kid Power School Program in Los Angeles

March 8, 2016

On March 7, students at Selma Avenue Elementary in Los Angeles strapped UNICEF Kid Power Bands on their wrists, ready to dance, get active and save lives as part of the UNICEF Kid Power program and its Kid Power Month challenge, going on now in 13 U.S. cities. Community leaders and other special guests joined a school assembly, where students and teachers led the group in a dance demonstration. And—surprise!—Target’s pal, lifestyle expert, entrepreneur and mom of three Camila Alves stopped by to get in on the fun. Even our very own Bullseye the dog couldn’t resist joining the celebration. Check out some of the highlights:

When the dance was over, the kids’ activity had contributed more than 100 therapeutic food packets to Los Angeles’ total. Since the LA UNICEF Kid Power challenge kicked off Feb. 22, students have earned more than 443,000 points, unlocking 44,000 therapeutic food packets and counting.

The event helped kick off the UNICEF Kid Power school program, which Target proudly sponsors, along with Star Wars: Force for Change. It’s an opportunity for more than 70,000 students from schools nationwide (including 21,000 students in the LA area) to take part in a teacher-led classroom experience this year, with easy-to-use technology and standards-based curriculum to learn about fitness and global citizenship. Participating students receive UNICEF Kid Power Bands, and use them to go on missions, learn about new cultures and earn points. Points unlock lifesaving therapeutic food packets that are delivered to severely malnourished children around the world. The more kids move, the more points they earn and the more lives they save.


Camila and her family are already big UNICEF Kid Power fans. So big, in fact, it was their favorite Christmas gift over the holidays. “My kids each got a Kid Power Band, and they wear them all the time—they love competing to see who can rack up the most points,” she says. “As a mom, it feels wonderful to give my kids something that helps them learn how to stay healthy and also help other kids around the world.”

Last fall, UNICEF Kid Power Bands launched exclusively at Target.com and in select Target stores, allowing families everywhere to join the UNICEF Kid Power Team by purchasing a Kid Power Band and downloading the free companion App.* Want to know more? Get the scoop on Target’s partnership with the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, and visit the UNICEF Kid Power website.





Camila sits with students at the Kid Power event.jpgtarget-partner-and-lifestyle-expert-cami.jpg/monthly_03_2016/post-90632-0-1593837612-53113_thumb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt="tumblr_o3qh7kXj3t1uiiomio3_1280.png">momdotme–Camila Alves joins @momdotme senior editor Laura Clark at the #UNICEFKidPower event in #Hollywood. @Target @UNICEF Stay tuned for our interview with the mom of 3. Target Partner and Lifestyle Expert Camila Alves speaks to students at the UNICEF Kid Power Los Angeles Celebration at Selma Avenue Ele_0008.jpg

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Is she having a girl? Camila Alves brings a pink wrapped gift to pregnant Anne Hathaway's baby shower in Hollywood

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-3479754/Camila-Alves-brings-pink-wrapped-gift-Anne-Hathaway-s-baby-shower-Hollywood-hinting-pregnant-star-having-girl.html#ixzz42nv9Z86B
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th_31F1964B00000578-0-It_s_a_girl_Matthew_McConaughey_s_wife_Camila_Alves_carried_a_ce-m-51_1457313406204.jpgBoho babe! Camila looked stylish and showed off her long, slim pins in black skinny jeans and suede ankle boots.jpg

Camila looked stylish and showed off her long, slim pins in black skinny jeans and suede ankle boots


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  • 2 weeks later...

PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Matthew McConaughey's wife Camila Alves puts on a VERY busty display as couple attend Reese Witherspoon's 40th birthday party






She often likes to showcase her ample assets when attending events with her husband.

And Camila Alves did just that when she put on an extremely busty display to attend Reese Witherspoon’s 40th birthday party in Hollywood on Saturday night.

The brunette beauty joined her handsome husband, Matthew McConaughey, and a host of famous faces for the exclusive bash held at Warwick Nightclub.


Taking the plunge: Camila Alves did just that when she put on an extremely busty display to attend Reese Witherspoon¿s 40th birthday party in Hollywood on Saturday night


The handsome couple were hard to miss in their vibrant ensembles as Camila went braless in her plunging oranges dress which also showed off her toned legs.

She added height to the look with strappy red heels while she shielded her shoulder with a multi-coloured shawl.


Her lustrous locks were styled into loose waves, while she opted for a simple make-up look.

Meanwhile her Oscar-winning husband opted for a metallic blue blazer which he wore over black shirt, trousers and blue suede shoes.



Hand in hand: The brunette beauty joined her handsome husband, Matthew McConaughey, and a host of famous faces for the exclusive bash held at Warwick Nightclub


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  • 2 weeks later...

The coolest mom on Earth! Camila Alves screams on roller coaster as she takes little princess Vida and sons Levi and Livingston to Disneyland


Camila Alves treated her three children to a day at Disneyland in California on Sunday - but Levi, Vida and Livingston weren't the only ones enjoying themselves.

The 34-year-old wife of Matthew McConaughey was seen screaming as she zoomed down a snowy mountain on the Matterhorn Bobsleds ride.

The couple's two sons Levi, seven, and three-year-old Livingston, and six-year-old daughter Vida all looked like they were having a magical time.

Scream if you want to go faster: Camila Alves enjoyed the roller coaster at Disneyland in California on Sunday

Her little princess: The model's six-year-old daughter Vida wore a yellow Belle dress for the day

Family outing: Camila's two sons Levi (R) and Livingston were also there, although Matthew McConaughey couldn't make itHaving a magical time: The group appeared to be particularly enjoying the Matterhorn Bobsleds rideCasual style: Camila kept comfortable for the outing in a white smock top, jeans and trainers'Let the fun begin!': The 34-year-old was joined by her friend Aeshia DeVore Branch for the outing, who brought along her own two children





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Keep up, Kardashians! Camila Alves shows off her incredibly pert posterior in skintight floral frock as she puts on a sizzling display at fundraiser


She's most recognised for being the stunning wife of Hollywood actor Matthew McConaughey. 

But Camila Alves could have been mistaken for one of the Kardashian clan when she stepped out at The Jane Ortner Education award luncheon at investor and philanthropist Ronald Burkle's Estate on Monday.

The 34-year-old star showcased her enviably pert behind in a tight frock which clung to her every curve.

Bootylicious! Camila Alves could have been mistaken for one of the Kardashian clan when she stepped out at The Jane Ortner Education aw_0001.jpgSizzling! Gracefully exiting her car, the Brazilian beauty's sizable derriere was hard to miss in the skintight dress, but while it was_0002.jpgBlooming beautiful! The spring-ready style was comprised of a flowing white fabric which was emblazoned with a vibrant floral motif.jpg

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Before she was married to Matthew McConaughey, Brazilian model Camila Alves dated singer Maxwell back in 2004, way after the “Lifetime” singer started going in hiding from the entertainment industry. They were picturedat events with friends, hugged up, mixing and mingling with others and more. But it ended quickly. Alves has since wed hunky McConaughey, who she met in 2006, and they have three kids together.


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We're home babe! Matthew McConaughey carries wife Camila Alves' luggage as they jet back to Los Angeles

That was quick! By Thursday Matthew McConaughey, 46, and Camila Alves, 34, were already back in sunny Southern California

They just jetted to NYC on Tuesday.

And by Thursday Matthew McConaughey, 46, and Camila Alves, 34, were already back in sunny Southern California.

Matthew appeared to be wearing almost the same outfit he wore when the couple departed earlier in the week, a blue and black zip-up fleece paired with graphite grey Nike sweatpants.

His gorgeous wife Camila also opted for a casual ensemble, which featured a loose, white linen button down shirt, and some ripped jeans.

She sported her own sneakers, though hers were grey, and kept some retro-style shades on as she accompanied her husband through the terminal.


If it ain't broke: Matthew appeared to be wearing almost the same outfit he wore when the couple departed earlier in the week, a blue and black zip-up fleece paired with graphite grey Nike sweatpantsLaid-back: His gorgeous wife Camila also opted for a casual ensemble, which featured a loose, white linen button down shirt, and some ripped jeansBling: A necklace with small triangles and a larger charm necklace rounded out the easy-going lookDate night! Matthew McConaughey, 46, and Camila Alves, 34, enjoyed an evening on the town in New York City on WednesdayLeggy display! The Brazilian beauty showed off her sculpted stems in a royal blue mini dressHunky Hollywood A-lister! Matthew looked dapper in a tuxedo jacket and grey wool scarf

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You and me in NYC! Smitten Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves look loved up as they jet off together to the Big Apple

They are busy parents to a brood of three children.

But Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves decided to enjoy some quality time together as they jetted off to New York on Tuesday.

The pair looked loved up as they landed at JKF airport after flying in from Los Angeles.

Couple time_ Matthew McConaughey and Camila Alves decided to enjoy some quality time together as they jetted off to New York on Tuesday.jpgGood spirits_ The pair looked loved up as they landed at JKF airport after flying in from Los Angeles.jpgDitching the glamour of Hollywood, Matthew swapped his slick red carpet look for comfy travelling gear, wearing jogging bottoms with a _0003.jpg

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