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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Shellers, can you seriously imagine that on Saturday 29Th , Leo and Bar went in 3 differents nightclub together in Hollywood and that there is no pics and no vids of them ??

PopRepublic is not a serious site and everybody can post a sighting ..

If People didn't speak of Bar, it's probably because they are not sure of her presence..

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Shellers, can you seriously imagine that on Saturday 29Th , Leo and Bar went in 3 differents nightclub together in Hollywood and that there is no pics and no vids of them ??

PopRepublic is not a serious site and everybody can post a sighting ..

If People didn't speak of Bar, it's probably because they are not sure of her presence..

Well probably the paps did take pictures but it just might take a while to come out. Pop Republic don't give pictures anyway.

Even if its true or not true they are still together.

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KATE WINSLET's daughter was so stunned to see a photo of her 'Uncle Leo' on the cover of a New York newspaper, she insisted on keeping a copy to show her favourite relative.

Winslet didn't have the heart to explain that 'Uncle Leo' was actually a megastar called Leonardo DiCaprio.

The British actress recalls, "There was a picture of Leo on the front of a newspaper and Mia picked it up and went, 'Mum, it's Leo, he's on the cover of the newspaper. We should really keep this and send it to him, mummy."


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KATE WINSLET's daughter was so stunned to see a photo of her 'Uncle Leo' on the cover of a New York newspaper, she insisted on keeping a copy to show her favourite relative.

Winslet didn't have the heart to explain that 'Uncle Leo' was actually a megastar called Leonardo DiCaprio.

The British actress recalls, "There was a picture of Leo on the front of a newspaper and Mia picked it up and went, 'Mum, it's Leo, he's on the cover of the newspaper. We should really keep this and send it to him, mummy."


:laugh: awww so cute!!

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KATE WINSLET's daughter was so stunned to see a photo of her 'Uncle Leo' on the cover of a New York newspaper, she insisted on keeping a copy to show her favourite relative.

Winslet didn't have the heart to explain that 'Uncle Leo' was actually a megastar called Leonardo DiCaprio.

The British actress recalls, "There was a picture of Leo on the front of a newspaper and Mia picked it up and went, 'Mum, it's Leo, he's on the cover of the newspaper. We should really keep this and send it to him, mummy."


It's so cute !

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The section of the Oak Bar where Cary Grant was drinking with three business colleagues just before being kidnapped in North by Northwest is not where the Revolutionary Road luncheon was held. We were all in the rear room with the tables, banquettes, superb food, white tablecloths, perfect waiters and beautiful old-school wood walls and carvings. Road stars Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, David Harbour plus Willem Dafoe, Paul Schrader, James Toback, et. al. attended.


Leo was wonderful :heart: :heart:


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As far as entertainment's gargantuan publicity machine is concerned, "Revolutionary Road" will be all about Leonardo DiCaprio's onscreen reunion with "Titanic" co-star Kate Winslet.

And though he won't swoon at the sight of their faces on the bigscreen like so many love-struck fans, DiCaprio was no less energized about working again with Winslet in the grounded terrain of "Road."

"It's set in the 1950s, when America was just starting to develop morally into what it would become, and here are two people dealing with their own identity, trying not to be cliches," DiCaprio told the Times of London. "I knew that Kate and I could really get stuff out of each other, performancewise -- that we could push each other's buttons. It was exciting."

Though it has been 11 years since DiCaprio and Winslet performed onscreen together, to hear Winslet tell it, the recoupling in "Road" (directed by Winslet's real-life husband, Sam Mendes) practically happened overnight.

"I mentioned the script to Leo because we'd always have conversations about interesting things that either one of us has read, and we've just consistently done that over the years," Winslet said in her recent interview with Vanity Fair. "When it became much more concrete with Sam's involvement, the conversations really started, and then it all happened very quickly: He read it, loved it, and said, 'Yes.' And, I'm not kidding you, within three months we were on set and doing it."

DiCaprio, a three-time Oscar nominee (most recently for 2006's "Blood Diamond"), plays 1960s workforce soldier Frank Wheeler, the kind of guy who might aspire to something as off-the-wall as, say, a spot on the biggest boat ever to take the seas. Frank thinks big but is caught in the trap of living too small for his tastes.

Winslet's April Wheeler becomes similarly discontented as Frank's wife, and the onscreen combination benefits from the actors' history together and ongoing friendship.

"We could see ourselves playing that married couple," Winslet said. "The friendship that we have was something we would be able to use. There's an emotional shorthand that Leo and I have because we've known each other so long."

"Leo and I were always aware that if we were going to do something together again that there would be a sense of expectation. It was going to have to be the right thing."

DiCaprio, for his part, isn't the least bit concerned about "Road" having anywhere near the box office appeal that "Titanic" had.

"I'll never reach that state of popularity again," DiCaprio said, "and I'm not going to try."

Coming attractions DiCaprio will reteam with director Martin Scorsese in "Shutter Island," based on the Dennis Lehane novel. The film, which co-stars Michelle Williams, Ben Kingsley and Mark Ruffalo, is set for release in October.


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Which Actor and Billionaire Were At Cipriani’s Last Night?

Ron Burkle and Leonardo DiCaprio of course! These two are inseparable. Ron you may remember recently picked up a pad at the Bowery Hotel and loves to hit the town with Leo, Bill Clinton, and whatever models are around. We hoped these guys were going to sing a song at the karaoke night, but they didn’t…bummer!

In any event, looks like Cips still has the biggest name draw on Sunday night, even years after the party first started.

Steven Bing, Ron Burkle, Bill Clinton


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''Where is that little f---er?'' says Kate Winslet. Leonardo DiCaprio, her beloved costar, is running late.

Flopping down on a sofa at New York's Waldorf-Astoria, fanning herself and wondering if a spot of deodorant is in order, Winslet eyes the tray of coffee on the other side of the room and shakes her head. When her friend 
arrives, she wants him to focus. ''I 
better bring that over or trust me, he will be up and down five times,'' she says with a motherly cluck.

These two know each other well. Twelve years ago they strapped on a pair of harnesses and leaned innocently into the prow of a doomed ship. The Titanic sank, box office soared. Then what was the most expensive movie ever made went on to become the highest-grossing film of all time. Suddenly the young stars couldn't escape their sudden fame. ''We did Titanic and then Leo went off, and I thought, 'Oh, dear Lord, protect him,' '' says Kathy Bates, who played the Unsinkable Molly Brown. ''Because Hollywood can be so destructive. I guess I worried less about Kate, because she was in the English system and I knew she'd have wonderful parts that would keep her feet on the ground. But I knew through it all, they'd be truly, truly friends to each other.''

Hollywood has been panting to 
rekindle their romance on screen ever since. However, the duo decided long ago that their days of star-crossed swooning were behind them. It wasn't until Winslet read Richard Yates' novel 
Revolutionary Road, a classic tale of '50s suburban regret about a young married couple desperate to escape the dreariness of their lives, that she figured a reunion was in order.

When DiCaprio enters the room, still looking boyish in his jeans and black Nikes, Winslet can't help but beam. (On the set of Revolutionary Road, the pair would sometimes pretend to interview each other, each posing as a journalist giddy to know what it's like for the Titanic stars to be back in each other's arms.) Winslet, 33, married with two young children, has racked up five Oscar nominations. 
DiCaprio, 34, still single, still reliably in the company of a supermodel, has three nods to his name. ''The thing that is amazing for me is they started off on equal footing and they're still on equal footing,'' says Winslet's husband, Oscar-
winning director Sam Mendes, who took the helm of Revolutionary Road. ''If you think about Star Wars — there's an example of a movie that was seismic in the culture at the time — there's a big difference between what happened to Harrison Ford and what 
happened to Mark Hamill.''

When Winslet talks of luck, DiCaprio bends toward her and barks in a creaky patrician 
accent: ''Key word, dear. Lucky! Keep using it.'' She elbows him as if he's her rascally little brother, and they're off. Enjoy their banter while you can. ''I think they'll go on doing a movie together only once every 10 years,'' says Mendes.

NEXT PAGE: ''We have a level of understanding which I really don't have with another actor that I've ever worked with at all,'' says Kate on reteaming with her Titanic co-star.


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