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*Girls* What females are the guys around you infatuated with (guys can participate to if they really want)


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My brother likes Mandy Moore, Petra, Ale, he says Jeisa is hot (doesn't know who she is but when I showed him her he was like "she's def. hot). Says Caroline Trentini has a great body when I showed him her. He typically goes for those hot girl in the mall types imo.

Doesn't like: Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Lindsay Lohan, Gisele (:( ), I showed him Ana BB and he said she was nothing special, said the same thing for Doutzen. Out of tennis players thinks Ivanovic is hot, thinks Kournikova is as well. Thinks Sharapova is just cute. Doesn't think J.lo is that hot and thinks Britney Spears is white trash (he thought that even pre-K-fed)

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