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Everything posted by hanna_cc

  1. Thought this would be a good time to give a comment I've been following Candice for a long time - to me there's no one as beautiful as her. Thanks all so much for keeping this thread updated for all these years!! Starting to follow Candice, and seeing how confidently she carried herself, actually gave me a lot more confidence in my body type. I'm of course not a VS model, but like her, compared to the typical woman, I've a "disproportionately" petite upper body against wider hips and bum, skinny and "too long" legs. Ya'll on this thread probably think it's crazy that someone would think that kind of body is "flawed", but you know, it's pretty different from some past beauty standards: The point of this is that what kind of body is beautiful is really, really subjective..! I have disliked and liked my body - without it physically changing one bit. So love and take care of your own, whatever shape yours naturally is - there's definitely someone else in the world who genuinely thinks your body type is really beautiful, and you better think so too!
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