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  1. i wonder how the sister feels in her shadow. Maybe she just feels happy about her success. that's great and all but what if they're at the club? not everyone knows her sis is a sucessful lawyer. Well, maybe she can live with that. I mean, to some people fame isn't the most important thing in live. You know, some are just happy to have real friends, family etc. But who am I to talk about this. I don't even know this people, but if you know why Ale's sister could be jealous about her... go ahead, feel free to share your knowledge with us. Nope I have no official knowledge of her being jealous. But cmon, we're human. I'm going to end this. Aless' sister is not a model. I understand she can love and support Aless' all she wants, is a sucessful lawyer knows what to do to get attention her own way. In my opinion, I think she's going to bit a bit jealous of Aless in some areas and one area happens to be in beauty.
  2. so do u know this for a fact, or is this statement based on word of mouth opinions?
  3. she's the epitome of a good looking white girl.
  4. i wonder how the sister feels in her shadow. Maybe she just feels happy about her success. that's great and all but what if they're at the club? not everyone knows her sis is a sucessful lawyer.
  5. then why bother saying anything about it?
  6. i wonder how the sister feels in her shadow.
  7. aznman007


    i can see something there how refreshing. u can jes see the blue balls in the audience.
  8. she got them jolie lips. she's fi.
  9. aznman007


    i want some rock and republic jeans. them are the shizznits.
  10. no i dont have it sorry, but will u post the original edit of this? this is bad ass lookin!
  11. so do women actually wear some of the bizarre creations of VS lingerie? some of this junt...i jes dont understand.
  12. Hi ~*BeTtY*~! I hope you won't be that disappointet with my photoshop skills. The picture you posted: Here the relatively "clean" picture (I didn't remove the broken heart): Here the clean picture + letters: Say if I can change/make anything better... look at her lil chicken legs on the far left! how cute someone should feed her a sandwiche.
  13. Fine, but watch out when you're sleeping. Your tooth is mine.
  14. Moi? if u'd like to. u know how we do :B
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