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Everything posted by Englund

  1. Is this legit? i know the brand, to me it's quite big. I hope so, it's pretty cool. And it's the first of many.
  2. Taylor has a million and one campaigns. Pretty sure she is over VS as a whole. She does it because I am sure it pays well and it still has this notion that all the hot/big models do VS. I feel that has slowly been proved wrong and she will eventually leave. I think Taylor was just tired - she has been working non stop . And life just took her elsewhere. It happens.
  3. I wasn't a fan of that Mexican interview as well. But since then - and before - she never did it again. so, I assume we all are entitled to have sh*ty days and if she would be like that, all stuck up diva, all the time. But she wasn't. So I assume that was a fluke. It's in the past and she has moved on - and improved - since then. From that tweet it seems it is indeed issues with her family. That sucks. she needs to be away for work and it messes with us when we can 't help and we need to be far. This is a forum, and as a famous person , Sara can't just get the good of it. In a board it can't just be yeah, amazing, fabulous. This isn't a fansite. This is a discussion board. There are people that like Sara, others that sneak here now and them, but whose main interest are other models, and same who full on dislike her. So, in a discussion there's always both sides of the same point. There is no point in trying to control other people's opinions or point of view. Let alone try to quiet them. when I disagree, I explain my point of view in a way that would make sense for the person who doesn't see it as I do and give points into why I think how I see it makes more sense. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. when it doesn't, I let go. No need to get upset over this. Most of us here really like Sara and hope and wish her the very best . we are all on the same side here. some are just more opinionated then others.
  4. Thanks for posting. I don't know what's up with her, but I doubt it's because she broke with her BF, or something. I don't take her as being that unprofessional. I feel Sara is so determined, even if she found Oliver in bed with a female donkey , she would take a shot , suck it up and go do her job. If VS fire her, I can see why she would say screw to that event, but again, I think she would take it to the fullest while it last because VS put her on the map So I guess something is wrong with her family. I hope all is well and I hope she will get back on her feet soon enough. Love all the pics.
  5. Is she? So she had to cancel something?
  6. It seems something bad has happened. Maybe she is too sick to present that superbowl party or whatever it was she was meant to do?
  7. I really like those. thanks for sharing
  8. I don't think they will be married anytime soon. He was married once and the divorce was done not too long ago, so I think he will take a breather from those kind of commitments. Sara I don't know. She has her ambitions, so I am not sure she is willing to start a family so soon as well. Although I have a feeling, somehow, that Oliver will propose on new year's Eve. which I have no reason to believe for all the reasons I stated above. we will see. They are together now and seem to enjoy one another. That is all that matters.
  9. Are you guys sure? these two are always joking around.
  10. I really really like that editorial. thanks for sharing
  11. were all the new angels shooting minus Martha and Sara?
  12. thanks for sharing. that was really fun.
  13. I actually like Sara's voice more now. ( and don't find her voice sexy at all) I felt she was always too hyper and had this annoying too loud of a tone to her voice. I think she is tired/sick and that is why, because when she's "normal" she goes back to talking loudly. I also am not a fan of Adriana's too hype/loud way of talking, so you see my drift. Anyway, I feel this makes her more of a spokesperson material . I am not a fan of the latest VS. I think Jo and Candice have the bodies. But not many have that bombshell, HERE I AM walk and look. I feel most are way too thin and for a lingerie most have no boobs and no hips/waist. I do miss the golden days of VS because of that, but nowadays this is the look that sells. little curves. Even gigi lost some of hers.
  14. poor kid, but at least she handled it like a pro. she was calm and mature and composed and sweet. hope she feels better
  15. wasn't she in some french TV show? I saw it up there. Maybe she is staying in france and promoting it there?
  16. Just saw adriana and Sara I know they look alike but they are very different Sara's voice sometimes annoys me, but she was very controlled. Not sure if she wasn't sick, but she came out sweet and humble and knowledgeable. Adriana is a beast. That woman controls a room like no other. I really like that video. thanks for sharing - and all the others.
  17. thanks for the ads, when you find the interviews, etc, please share.
  18. thanks for all the updates, pics and that interview. I am very thankful for all of you who take the time. Thanks
  19. when I mentioned Sara and Taylor I wasn't referring to them being the very BFF. Just how work wise, they were often paired together and I assume she felt at ease and knew where her footing was. She was usually near Taylor and joking around. I have no idea if outside work they were close, nor do I really care. In life we all have shifts and stuff changes. But she could be just tired. she was less hyper this year, and that could be it, we will see in her press day with Adriana. As far as acting: yes, she often says that. I am surprised she hasn't done any cameo. Or special guest roles. But she has been so busy, I guess she just didn't had time for that. I think she has time for acting. HF and big campaigns she might not get when she gets older. she mights, she might not. Acting, if she's good at it, and doesn't focus just on young sex symbol, she can do till the day she dies.
  20. they are always very kind and always reply to her. so, at least we have that. I have notice that the biggest difference from last years to this one was in the group. Sara seems a little bit awkward this time around. I feel last year she was always near Taylor and this year there were shifts and turns ( the fashion world seem to ask for Taylor and Romee together more) and she seems a bit lost. she will be fine, I am sure. I loved her in her (little) solo parts on the lip synching million reasons. she was really into it. I wish I could see the all thing. just her.
  21. yeah. I think she is showing them she is available. I hope she gets it. That one or some other bigger one. I really like her and I think she is great. somehow VS is not using her much this time around. I feel with Adriana being fully back - they don't need 3 light eyes, dark hair models.
  22. Thanks for all the pics and videos. Gosh, they showed so much Gaga. we get only glimpses of some angels. It suck. stella looked so skinny there. great for HF, not so much for VS. As far as Jo's BF commenting on Sara's insta. I heard about that. I don't really follow the angel's private lives all that much, but it's him who seems to be commenting. I would be pissed as well. My it would be mainly at him. If she never comments back and doesn't seem to engage, he's the one acting like a fool. Joke or no joke. If it's not a joke, he's making a fool out of himself. Who is the guy anyway? one of those insta photographer's? Shame, because I really like Jo. She looks amazing and seems like a true sweetheart.
  23. Sara is not in here, but I wish she was. She can do fierce and sexy and cute. she can't really do soft sexy, like say Taylor can. I know I am not expressing myself well. But she would rock in here. Lily was great. She surprised me , actually. I assume they will have several commercials, each with a set of girls? no way would they not use Taylor. That's their It girl nowadays ( and I get it. She is the most well know of them all- general public wise. not just fans)
  24. She seemed pretty subdued this time around. It could be because she was tired - they all looked tired, to be honest - or she was just sad . who knows. She is one of my favs and Since my love for VS is getting smaller and smaller each year that goes by, I don't really care if she leaves. I do wish, however, if she does, that she gets another huge campaign so we can keep getting constant updates still.
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