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Everything posted by Englund

  1. @wolfy1993 posted this her after party outfit. so far I like it. wonder what the front looks like
  2. I also like this pic. we gotta look on the bright side. she managed to open a segment. sarasampaiobraisl. twitter
  3. ( I HATED the outfits so much at first glance, that I will take any pic I can get where she doesn't look she is near death from choking on those damn wings - are they connected to the neckpiece??? ) the pic a nice lingerie for her, here. Her legs look as long as Elsa's, and we know they are not source: sarasampaio brasil
  4. It's not that bad. I am sure the outfit will look great in motion from here: https://www.instagram.com/angelsarasampaio/
  5. I think the old Angels, like the 90's- early 00's would make any crappy outfit work. Most had AMAZING walks, were fierce and sexy. Tall as hell. They had big hair and sultry make up. Now, almost everyone's hair is flat. Not as bad as some years, but I've seen better hair and make up on them when they did it themselves. I don't HATE Sara's outfit. She is just not that tall and doesn't have the longest neck. She DOES look like she is choking. But I don't hate the other outfit. I think she looks great. she is not "there" if that makes sense. I think her outfit is better than Elsa's. But Elsa is just giving it her all and Sara is just there... she can be very jet lagged. Or it could be like Billy - what was the damn name you guys gave to the dragon elsa was forced to sport? NOW that was tragic. But in motion, it was better. I want to see them walking. but I agree with you all. the team NEEDS to be replaced.
  6. Maybe she made it work, but I doubt it. she hasn't looked really happy for a few days and looks tired/down today. I haven't seen a good pic of her so far.
  7. thank you, everyone, who took the time to download and upload the pics to the site. I pretty much hated every outfit. I think some, despite the outfits, made it work. Others, not so much. Jo seems tired. Sara seems super not into it. Every pic of her I saw so far has been a bad one. Taylor is always amazing in print. Not so much on moving. let's wait and see. To me, she is the only one worthy of the old time VS angel's.
  8. Agree. they usually say how happy they are and how they can't wait to share. I am more inclined to think she doesn't open nor closes anything. Although STILL hopeful as hell she gets something amazing and manages to catch everyone by surprise and rock our world and be the highlight of the show in every news outlet.
  9. hated the shoes. they look painful as well
  10. https://www.facebook.com/SaraSampaioOficial/videos/1523267144424838/
  11. like someone said, I don't care if they dislike each other. They work well together and if one doesn't pay attention to backstage games, no will would know. THat's what matters. it's petty, but as long as Sara stands her own and ignores and moves on, I don't give a f*ck. She looks good in that Lui shoot. It sucks she will always have such awful memories and experience from that. I think that pic is very sexy. I don't think Sara has enough influence among VS to open a show. I think, like Lais, it will take them their sweet time to give her her due moment.
  12. her pics are getting a bunch of likes. I guess people missed her in that page ( VS)
  13. I dislike Karlie more often than not, but in the video you guys posted, she looked great as a brunette.
  14. the dress is cute, she looks very pretty, but I think the dress makes her look skinnier than she is. she usually is quite fit, not really HF model skinny, and she looks like it, in this. still amazing, I just don't like how her legs look in it.
  15. right. But Lui is a nude magazine. why agree to sign a contract where the models state there will be no nude pics, then? Blame the mag, not the model. Don't say: yeah, we're fine with it, and then force the model to go against what she agreed upon. I assume it was the MAG that INVITED SARA to pose. not Sara that begged to do so. She agreed under special conditions, they sign the contract. There is only one at fault here and it's the mag
  16. I don't think she will share anything. I feel the modeling world , abuse, is even more accepted than in Hollywood. Because they deal with nudity often and I assume some thinks that makes them "ask for it". I don't think modeling world is ready to step up yet. But she did say when she feels safe, she has no issues with nudity. when she doesn't she gets very uncomfortable. we don't know what happened. but she has spoken up a bit. let's see if that gets her in trouble. I am sure the many abusers in modeling are shaking and waiting to see if anyone will speak up. They saw what happened and they know it's enough to just a few to speak up for others to follow. I can't even imagine being in that position having your career on the line, dealing with such powerful people treating you like you're nothing but there to serve them.
  17. something must have gone down. has she ever acted like this on a job? not promoting it, etc?
  18. Forget it. I just realized it wasn't even sara.
  19. but she had one where she was naked. open legs, bare chest. That pic doesn't seem to be here. It was pretty out there, and it shocked me a bit when I saw it, BUT after a while, I really started to like it Since that pic isn't here now, I assume that was one sara didn't approve of, they remove it, and somehow the relations never went back to what they were and hence the constantly untagging herself I don't know. it's just odd-
  20. The Lui mag... maybe she didn't expect it to be so explicit the cover. which would be absurd because she shoots it and she knows how out there that mag is.
  21. poor kiddo. it does come with the job. The bigger she gets the worst that will get as well. I hope, with time, she learnt to manage it. I couldn't. I would have panic attacks every time. But you see how the old supermodels handled it. You adapt - hopefully - to everything.
  22. Gosh I hate thiseir trend where they barely wear any make up. I forget how short sara is. And she waks front. that's big. she looks sad/tired. that or it's the lack of make up
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