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Posts posted by trainwreck

  1. 18 minutes ago, almanaotemcor said:

    I can not believe that Megan Puleri not give up with VS. Ed must be in love with her and let her march this year too.

    She will never give up, it's the only thing she does, VSFS. I saw her working this year but she did i don't know, maybe 3 runways in the first fashion month of this year, and i didn't saw her in the last fashion month. Just in random trips to Japan....


    I think Bridget Satterlee is PERFECT for pink, but i never saw her in NYC for photos just L.A, am i correct?

    48 minutes ago, RIP_Cabrini_Green said:

    Zhanna Brass, Lorena Rae, Carmella Rose, Bridget Satterlee, Kelly Spronk, & Lydia Simonis would be amazing for the show. 


    I'll keep dreaming though....


  3. 46 minutes ago, HitchcockBlonde said:

    ^ Dani's posing was... and it didn't help she got stuck with the worst outfit of the show. The point she did was bizarre. I love her, but it was a mess.


    50 minutes ago, alexandra23 said:

    How come people didn't like Daniela Braga? She was one of the few who I actually saw something in out there. Also Flavia Lucini. And the girl in the light pink floral corset...Sanne maybe?


    Edit: Yes, Sanne. I also don't think Valery Kaufman is too bad.

    I like Dani Braga too, her walk is good but i can't explain what she did at the end of that runway! Also, i think Sanne is drop dead gorgeous, i loved her walk... Valery i liked her walk but didn't understand her in the end of runway too, she was saying thanks when she nod with her head? At least it was diferent lol

  4. 1 minute ago, SympathysSilhouette said:


    True, though if the ratings keep dropping, there isn't much there for CBS to keep it going.

    Actually i don't think they wouldn't. The Swim Special this year was a fiasco in ratings, and they'll do it next year anyway...

  5. 3 minutes ago, CanLVS said:


    But the VSFS is meant to reach the general public, not just model lovers or people who would go through and take the time to stream it online or watch on another way. They dropped in reaching the general public and they dropped and dropped hard reaching the general public especially in their target market of 18-49 yr olds they went down by 1/3 compared to last year. Sure cord cutting and stuff like that will reduce ratings as years go on but dropping over 3 million viewers in one year and most of that are viewers they really wanted is surprisingly bad.

    I guess LIVE TV is a dying field how some of you had said, but this year VSFS got more competition too, didn't they?

  6. I'm just in love with Sanne, she's beautiful... LOVED Leomie, she has a great personality. Don't know what Kendall did at the end of the runway, but i did like her walk. Didn't like Flavia in the photos before but she has a classic beauty. I thought the entire show was rushed. I don't know what was going on with Dani Braga... I guess what i have to say about this show is that was confusing. They didn't mentioned about being the 20th VSFS, just ED when he was talking to the models, so maybe it was a big deal for was and not for then, it would explain why this wasn't a very good show. Overall i guess they need MAJOR change, bring some new people to create really ORIGINAL things...

  7. Bruna Lirio did an interview for a brazilian website and talked about VSFS


    FFW: You Just passed in the most competitve casting in the fashion industry. How are you dealing with this?

    BL: My dream came true! Since i knew that i was on the show i' am touched in some way. Just talking with my close friends or my agent makes me cry. I'm very happy, living the dream!


    FFW: Did you work for the brand before?

    BL: No i didn't


    FFW: How was the casting:

    BL: There were 3 steps. First they took my book and my polaroids with my agency in New York, it was a pre selection. I was called to a casting and getting there, had around 44 girls in front of me! They asked me to walk, smile and also took some pictures. It took two days and they returned saying that I was selected for the final casting. In this casting it was different because it had little girls and many cameras. They filmed everything! I asked again to walk with lingerie giving my best and then I was pretty confident smiling a little and throwing kisses! At the same time all smiled at me and praised me saying "she is so cute." They praised my body and hair and when I was leaving they even said "she is so hot too." Later in the day, John David Pfeiffer called my agency confirming my participation. I was overjoyed and could not hold back the tears!


    FFW: What are your expectations?

    BL: Always live one thing at a time, my desires are always high, but each thing in its time. So my greatest expectation at the moment is to do my best in this show, and shine becaue it is my first big break!

    FFW: Have you ever watched the shows? What is your favorite?
    BL: Not watched all, but the last five for sure. The show I like most is the 2013, I was delighted with it.


    FFW: What are your inspiring models?
    BL: Cara Delevingne for its stripped and outstanding personality. Candice Swanepoel by the focus on the body and also the way she has peace and love in life. Finally, Joan Smalls, because I think the she has an incredible work and she's one of the beauties that I admire most in fashion.

    FFW: Finally, how do you maintain your body of Victoria's Secret?
    BL: I take care of my food. Also practice weight training and running daily.



    here you can see in portuguese: http://ffw.com.br/models/noticias/conheca-bruna-lirio-a-novata-brasileira-que-vai-estrear-na-passarela-da-victorias-secret/



    PS: Sorry for my bad english!

  8. Valery and Pauline grew on me...Sanne and especially Megan are still a big ass no

    I personnaly like Sanne, she seems very nice in all the interviews i saw from her, she has a great walk and is one of the models that are always in top 20 in the runways, she did i guess 37 shows this past fashion month, she is the face of Ralph Lauren and she is gorgeous... Hope she grows on you too!

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