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Everything posted by Jack27

  1. I remember seeing recent pics of her on the beach in the DM, her body looks even better now than it did in those old pics.
  2. I think it was on purpose too, she has form. It didn't really look attractive, too skinny or something. It just didn't look good imo.
  3. When liberals and sjws decided breathing in the wrong direction was racist. Anyway I thought it was inappropriate, but also on point she got the face and voice down perfectly, she must have practised in the mirror a few times.
  4. I too am now thankful for this paradise
  5. Sounds like some kind of friendzone hell
  6. I must admit I didn't think of her immigrant status, thought it was an employer edict. Cheers for the reply.
  7. Sara said that she was forced to get a flu shot, that can't be right. You must be able to refuse.
  8. This is old, but fook me her ass looks awesome in a thong click to enlarge
  9. The prankster's comment at the bottom of this link, apparently claims he did it to protest all the non-models who got a celebrity leg-up like the Jenners, Hadids etc and turned vogue into a tabloid. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Cs-DRngUEAAeF9w.jpg As an aside, this site has the most awkward image embed system for a site that's mostly photo based.
  10. Agree Star, it's kind of shocking how quickly people can turn on someone, and these are fans not even haters. If true, the whole watching TV and not wanting to fake being social to climb a career ladder just makes her seem more relatable and genuine imo. As to talking the paparazzi someone mentioned, it seemed like she was just being polite. If someone talks to you like that in a friendly way, it's only good manners to reply in kind.
  11. She's just a girl who is reacting to being secretly photographed semi-naked without being asked, she has the same feelings as everyone else. All these empty labels "supermodel", "celebrity" etc don't actually mean anything, they are just words ascribed to help portray a false image of some mythical super-great life that can be marketed to a conditioned paying public. In reality, you're the same as you were when you had less possessions and less people knew you, except there now exists a flawed public perception of how happy you should be without any right to complain.
  12. I think that too because I saw her snap angrily at some girl before for doing that, maybe a little bit of insecurity there. All I can say is I think her boobs looked great, it's probably catty girls talking trash to her because I can't imagine many guys complaining.
  13. lol judging by a couple of the tweets I think some French people must have pissed Sara off in the build-up. Well done to Portugal, small nation that always played attractive football in the past, good to see them finally win a major tournament.
  14. JS doesn't seem to be leaving much to the imagination these days (not that I'm complaining!), I just saw a retweeted pic of her bare ass in the sea
  15. Yo.... Probably a bit self-conscious. I actually kind of prefer seeing those more natural day-to-day photos tbh, it seems like you're seeing more of a real person and how they normally look. Modelling photos are cool and all but they're very contrived.
  16. A lot of F1 fans saying the same thing about his appearance at the trophy presentation.
  17. Yeah, the Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix is on this weekend. It's the most "glamorous" event on the race calendar, usually filled with celebrities from all over. Sara might be staying for that. Wonder if she will manage to blag a grid pass, that would be an experience. Hoping Rosberg wins but can see Hamilton doing it.
  18. Some of those photos make her look kind of masculine.
  19. Sara played the role well I thought. Agree with MarVS above, the video is a bit on the dark side.
  20. Agree, being ignored would bother the commenter much more. I understand why Sara replied though, that comment was very cutting and condescending. I think some of these people who comment on IG forget there is a real person with feelings on the on other end.
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