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Everything posted by lipton87

  1. Anyone can ID this model? He is from Vilebrequin site, and has modelled for swimwear and trousers...He may be French, but I am not sure.
  2. Okay, surfing the net and came across a site where this model has a lot of pictures, showing off the traditional shirts and pants. http://www.bavaria-lederhosen.com/images/product_images/original_images/2338_0.jpg http://www.bavaria-lederhosen.com/images/product_images/original_images/2273_0.jpg the site has like two male model leads they use to show off their products, and I am interested in this one, not the other one. Anyone can name?
  3. Okay, I ended up buying the magazine issue and now I know he is Iago Pedra. A new face from divomngmnt, this is actually his first professional job. He IS cute.
  4. Hello all. I would like to learn the id of this model, in the upcoming editoriaL. L'officiel Hommes Brasil by Cristhiano Madureira. I want to learn the id of the FIRST model in the photos. Here is the link to page: http://www.madeinbrazilblog.com/blog/paulo-martinez-and-cristiano-madureira-for-lofficiel-hommes-brazil/ There are names for Eric Fraga and Iago Santibanez, but these are the other guys down below. I want to learn the first pic, the guy seems uncreditted. This is the pic I am talking about: I dunno, he looks familiar I am sure I have seen him before on the net. However, google image search yields only links to this artice about the upcoming editorial and he is always uncredited. Which is mighty annoying. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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