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Posts posted by FairyCandice

  1. ^ Ignore her. She went on a trolling spree on Erin's thread few weeks back. It was annoying AF. Schemer might remember it. Something about 'grammar'  :p And i couldnt figure why here's someone named Candice pretending to be so butthurt about Erin lol

    Schemer started that and said sorry to me and others BTW get your facts correct



    UNSEEN Gigi photos  :gocho: from AKA Heizenburg :nicole:


    All these photos are from this facebook account: https://www.facebook.com/gigihadid23 and they're public, so anyone has access.

    nice try though. 



    You're a new level of pathetic. Pretending to know them to try and convince people she was snorting blow when she clearly wasn't.


    ^ And I never said it wasnt dangerous. You just dont turn all strung out and addicted like crackheads


    If your brave enough IG Gigi and ask her if she was best friends with Spencer growing up who used to stay over at hers :nicole:


    ^ Ignore her. She went on a trolling spree on Erin's thread few weeks back. It was annoying AF. Schemer might remember it. Something about 'grammar' :p


    She also did this in other threads, i think she's fake or something :idk:


    Fake what?? :nicole:

  4. or maybe you just have a weird obsession with them so you collect all types of old pictures from the internet. And he's right ^^^ its recreational and not addictive but it looks bad when you are the face of brands

    or maybe i have knew the family for years smh wow your a idiot

  5. It's super addictive and can destroy your life ^^

    Yes it is! also if you have a unknown condition your risk of having a heart attack goes through the roof ... Drugs are for fools.. who wants to be known as a druggie 



    :nicole:  :nicole:  :nicole: Just likes snorting of counter tops for no reason then.... Hmmmm :whistle:  :rofl:  :rofl:


    most likely looking at her feet. I'm in college and people snort coke, molly, pills all the time. She does not look like she's snorting coke you have no clue what you're talking about


    OK Heisenberg, we get it. You know your drugs.



    :nicole:  :nicole:  :nicole:  :nicole:




    :nicole:  :nicole:  :nicole: Just likes snorting of counter tops for no reason then.... Hmmmm :whistle:  :rofl:  :rofl:


    most likely looking at her feet. I'm in college and people snort coke, molly, pills all the time. She does not look like she's snorting coke you have no clue what you're talking about


    OK Heisenberg, we get it. You know your drugs.




    My fault lol. I've just never seen someone speak with so much conviction and be completely incorrect


    Lmao sorry but i know her !!! and i wont say who i am .... Gigi and Bella used to pretend to be horses and gallop around there home but hey you know better lol

  8. you said it yourself, "before she ruins the brand more than she has"   means you care deeply.  But never mind :)


    Drug users have no shame under the influence the become confident and are good at doing it quick, and without making it noticeable to others.

    Thats so prejudiced!    WOWWW!!! :ninja:

    You must never of meet anyone with drug addiction before you think that it prejudiced  :nicole:

  9. You hope to go to rehab and VS cancel your contract with her . it's a bad image.

    it hurts so beautiful and talented young .

    I am with you on this Mary she needs help and VS need to drop her ... Take her back when she has got well again but don't have her working for the brand using drugs... Young girls look up to these women

  10. Nobody can do anything about the deep-seated dislike you seem to have for her. So whats the point of letting us know in the first place? :)

    There might be a topic like 'Brand Management at VS'

    I'd rather voice my concerns over there , if I were you. :D

    "deep seated dislike" Your words not mine...

    "Lost respect" MY WORDS


    Slow the speed on the video and you can see her face is on the counter and then see pushes her glasses back up not picking anything off the floor etc ...


    This is a GIGI forum page and the topic i and others are discussing are about GIGI! 


    "Brand management at VS"--- Pointless unless someone from VS happens to come hear and hear the voiced opinions of people who follow the brand.


    Drug users have no shame under the influence the become confident and are good at doing it quick, and without making it noticeable to others. 

  11. But she said she didnt do it :idk:

    She is only 19 of course she will lie about it .. TBH she isn't fit enough for VS and now this they need to drop her before she ruins the brand more than she has... Ever since she spent all her time on gaining press hanging around with Kardashians i lost respect for her. 




    She looks amazing.  I miss her in VS, but am so glad to see her in SI.  She is such an 'All American Girl' ....  just a sweetheart.  Love the updates and vids.

    Me too, she was better than Lindsay E, Martha and Stella




    +1!  :ridinghorse:


    :clobber: Siemgi  :neo2:  :neo2: 


    List of all Candice's IG account's as some people think she only has 1 or 2... She has 4 account's one for each dog, One personal and her style one :chicken: :chicken:






    ^ About the dog accounts we talked about it already a while ago :) those are fanaccounts, the only one we know for sure is Candice herself are angelcandices and probably also themermaidfiles since she mentioned that on her IG

    No they are not they are her accounts .... She posted a photo awhile back of cakes she made with Doutzens son on there
    lunaswanepoel Im going to clear up something!

    This account is not Candices account!

    Two Girls run this account. We just wanted to say that, because we always read like " send kisses to your mom" and that makes us kind of sad.

    We even think of turn in to a Candice Fan page... its really hard to find pictures from Luna

    We always try to keep it cute with words like " Love you Mommy"❤

    Hope you understand☺❤

    Read more at http://websta.me/p/941179361574926451_1262731677#spFqsKE4r6PlgCZ6.99

    I told you ;)


    Thanks unfollowed  :actor:

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