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Everything posted by dilhixitah

  1. https://vine.co/v/MjYuevX3ll9
  2. I just realized, Portugal is going to play against Germany today for the World Cup, in the city where Adriana Lima was born ( Salvador, Bahia ) Don't mind me, just saying XDDD
  3. https://vine.co/v/MjPT5APVz13
  4. Hehe, you're welcome :3
  5. It's funny how Brazilians speak Portuguese and they say "futbol" and we, Portuguese from Portugal, say "futebol" XDD This is just a thought, not meant to start anything :3 Anyway, she looks stunning and wonderful
  6. She put a photo on her instagram saying: "What God knows about me is more important than what others think of me" and I thought it was for those stupid rumors about Justin Bieber... But it was just a thought, nothing serious :3
  7. I don't want to start a fight or anything of the sort, but have you guys seen the last pic Adri posted on her instagram ( http://instagram.com/p/ovk0Lis6md/ ) As I said, I don't want to start anything bad, but I thought maybe it's a message from those people who believe in those Justin Bieber stupid rumors... Is just a thought, guys, I'm not taking this serious
  8. Holy Moly, so stunning!!!! Sorry, I had to ouo
  9. Adriana Lima on Tap Magazine cover, June 2014.
  10. http://instagram.com/p/oidykUs6kf/
  11. Listal :3 Oopsi, My bad, then ^^'' I just posted the pic because it was on Adriana Lima's part of that site (sorry, english is not my first language and I don't know how you say it (Someone's part on a site) ) ^^''
  12. I don't know if this one was already posted, but... She looks stunning vogue.fr
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