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Everything posted by Alex_Vienna

  1. Why are Barbara´s friends are soo unsympathetic. Many Barbara´s fans and people in this thread really don´t like Stella and this guy, what they have written earlier. And I don´t think that they are good people. Rather they draw her in all this drunk party´s, lesbian kisses on camera and just pull her to the bottom.
  2. I think, it´s not a new photoshoot.
  3. Grazzie Ragazzo ! Amore mio. I ♥ Italia
  4. Really love her last around 8 instagram photos.
  5. It´s like a joke: Wife is asking her husband: -Dear, do I have not too much makeup on my face ? - It depends on are you going to kill Batman or not.
  6. Holy Sh*t, That´s my laptop ! Barbara, will you mary me, because we have absolutely the same green vaio laptops ? Why not.
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