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Posts posted by Hoopla

  1. 2 hours ago, Memento Mori said:

    I bet, though, that both SI and their advertisers are each paying a lot of money to consultants who tell them this is real activism


    I am outside the USA, so I might be missing the real ads, but swimsuit.si.com has generic google ads, rather than any brand deals. Those kinds of ads make a tiny fraction of what you get from a direct deal with a big brand. They probably don't even cover the ongoing staff bill, never mind paying for photoshoots.

  2. Remember when Samantha Hoopers wore a "Do my nipples offend you" shirt? I guess they did offend someone, because they are back to blurring even mild see-through pics. So I guess it turns out that the female body must be hidden away? Some of the shoots obviously were sexy enough given the instagram posts, but they excluded that from the published pictures.


    I have no idea who their target market is. The 100 viewers they get on their instagram yoga streams are not going to keep them in business.

    No-one is going to rush out to buy a generic instagram/catalogue shoot like this.


    I notice they have no ad deals this year. I am getting ads for flash games! Dodge etc. are not going to want to be associated with this. No ad deals = no revenue = no 2021 issue.


    Their facebook page has 6 million followers. Their "2020 is here" video has 1K views. Sexy videos from 2018 generally got 1M+ views. So MJ is presiding over a 1000x drop in social media engagement. I can only assume Maven are happy to let SI Swimsuit fail this year so they can fire everyone with cause.



  3. I guess MJ decided that she really didn't want a male audience, and she would burn everything down on her way out the door. Samantha Hoopes' nipples genuinely get 1000x the average views for SI swimsuit content, but MJ is more interested in rehabilitating her image than making money for her employer.

  4. Thanks to those scans I was able to try their augment reality app...


    LOL what a piece of crap. You get a amateurish and creepy 3D model of Danielle that you can rotate a little bit, and that is it.

    Maybe instead of this bullshit they could get some web developers who can create a page that actually lists the 2018 videos.

  5. Does anyone know if SI have anything on snapchat this year? I haven't seen anything. They have a custom filter (https://www.si.com/swim-daily/2018/02/13/virtual-augmented-reality-behind-scenes-si-swimsuit) so it seems very dumb to not even put up a single story.


    They also seem to have forgotten to post a bunch of "uncovered" vids, but that is par for the course.


    The lifevr "vr" stuff is garbage by the way. The same tiny model a mile away in a 360 video as last year, and not like the one year where they realised the point of it was to be able to look up and down the model. I haven't been able to try the augmented reality stuff as I can't get a copy of the magazine here.

  6. 3 hours ago, Sanni said:

    A sign of Macari losing interest? Walter Ioos did the athletes’ shoots only till he disappeared.

    I think Walter Iooss just got too old for the travel (he is 74). But you are probably right about Macari: the kind of "powerful" shots they tend to do with the athletes are more similar to his own personal work.

  7. ^^Some of them are up on youtube. the rest will be very soon I'm sure. You're better off ripping them from youtube :)

    Youtube compression is horrendous. 1080p is worse in visual quality than a DVD. Brightcove has a higher bitrate or better compression settings I think.


      it seemed to work, but when I went to play the first 2 videos I downloaded, they played about halfway through and then seemed to freeze and get choppy.  And that was with the usually reliable media Player Classic (didn't work at all on Windows Media Player).


    rtmpexplorer worked for me. Have you tried VLC? I think MPC has gotten pretty dated. Maybe your PC isn't fast enough or hardware acceleration isn't working. You could try playing the videos at half speed.

  9. lol JJ3

    she is winning cause theres alot of PERVS that like big boobs and cheap shots thats why... dont get offense tho... cause u dont have that taste AT ALL...... 

    Pervs, aka men. I feel like it is Kate Upton's rookie year all over again.


    It is a swimsuit shoot, not vogue. A model with a genuine smile is always going to be preferred over perpetually glum sour faces. Particularly when a bunch of them have straight up and down bodies.


    It is also very impressive that Rose looks good considering how terrible Yu tsai made everyone else look.


    Sometime they look fake but I think most of the time I think they just tie her bikini extra tight. So I'm going to say they're natural .


    Nah, they are super fake. Look at http://swimsuit.si.com/swimsuit/assets/media/gallery/switzerland/kate-bock/op44-106935-raw1200.jpg


    I really wish SI would ban all plastic surgery (including horrible botox lips).


    The rookies for the last few years have been very "fashion". If you look at the SI "greats" very few of them had any real fashion success. I also wish we could get some more ethnic diversity.

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