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Posts posted by RIP_Cabrini_Green

  1. Lmaooo those pics just reminded me….do you remember the year a long time ago when she had to get dragged (drug?)  out of Coachella because she got black out drunk. And TMZ got her…I think it was with Hair Gel.


    holy fuck I remember we had a good time with that. So funny

  2. I would imagine this ends up like her OF. She’ll take the content and put it in a shared google file for someone she trusts to run while she makes money. I doubt she’s going to be that hands on

  3. On 3/15/2024 at 3:27 PM, BAGGOT said:

    She's playing around with Audrey Hepburn looks, and I'm here for it. (Caveat that is no surprise to anyone: I'd be here for any look this woman chose to try.)

    I’ve always wondered if she could pull off long blonde hair. Idk if it would work with her face or not

  4. 15 hours ago, Ghalien said:

    Her agency advised her to stop her onlyfans account. I thought that she would be shooting a lot of studio stuff but for now it seems that her career is on slow decline.

    And we know this how exactly?

  5. 41 minutes ago, Ann Rizuna said:

    I doubt it. She's probably done and the agency is just cycling through old PPVs.

    This. One of her account managers outed her on Reddit like a year ago. All she does is shoot content and uploads it to a Google file that her agency/account manager also shares access to. They come up with the captions and pricing and handles all of the dms. They take their 20%, OF Takes their 20%, and she gets whatever’s left over.


    I used to spend quite a bit. “She” kept offering to do customs but oddly needed a 3 week window to make it. That’s when I started to get suspicious and bounced.


    a bit of a side tangent….she, well her agency got in a bit of hot water. She got a 90 minute deep tissue massage by a professional masseuse (who uploads on his IG and is very professional), well he posted the video of Carmella and it kind of went viral, and her agency took the vid and sold it on her OF and clickbaited it “90 min erotic massage in 90 seconds” and charged a lot of money for it. (Since it was free on his IG to begin with). A couple guys bought it and recognized it was the same exact vid and ratted her out to the masseuse. He was not thrilled lmao

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