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Everything posted by shver

  1. c'mon...if jourdan can get casted, then I don't see why cara couldn't
  2. Also, my personal theory for Shanina's exclusion this year is that Kelly Gale was cast. They have a very similar look (BOTH are Indian/Australian mix believe it or not!), so perhaps VS wanted to test out Kelly Gale and let Shanina sit out for this year because of the similarity. Really not fair IMO. It just makes no sense at all why else VS would not cast Shanina. She has done the show for two years, she rocked it lat year especially (Monica Mitro said the editors were VERY impressed with Shanina), and they even gave her an additional outfit. They could have given ANY of the models in the show Lais's extra outfit.
  3. If you read Malaika Firth's tweets from the last week, it seems like she is walking too )
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