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Everything posted by iluvitwhenya

  1. sadly no, our stores are tiny, and this one in particular is EXTRA tiny, there was only one sales assistant and she was slow as balls and making me so damn mad (it took from the road ahead to the beginning of pink to ring up my three items... and i still somehow managed to miss everything between elsa opening tra and leomie in mr because of her ineptitude). but i might ask if there's someone different in there next time!
  2. unsure if this has been posted yet or not... but i just walked out of a vs store here in sydney and obviously they were playing the vsfs 2016 in the background. i was "lucky" enough to catch mountain romance and noticed it was an ENTIRELY different edit? i know they always play different edits in the vs stores but this was noticeably different (and better? in my opinion), as in, #bodybyiza walks before lily d, lily a's pose and walk and shots were SO MUCH BETTER, stella did some weird flamingo leg lift while hamming it up with gaga AND the two of them almost walked RIGHT into sara when they turned around (in fact they did, and only let go of each other's hands after the quick collision). i also managed to catch a bit of the pink segment (didn't wanna look like a creep hanging around staring at the tv after my transaction haha) and grace was still on point in this edit, and bridget was perfect and still unfortunately so, so covered up just thought i'd pass this little useless piece of info on!
  3. i can't even believe her. she is super woman, i swear to god.
  4. when you think pink may be your favourite segment overall... (especially after the pink shit show of the last few years...) it was the most energetic and engaging, 95% of the walks were on point and i just can't get over grace, or camille, or dilone. honestly hope they're all back next year.
  5. yeah and i don't think it was so much as contacting her... as it was replying to a random tweet?
  6. i love lily, and she is honestly the most "accessible" angel, and i think that worked well in her favour as trends started to shift towards "girl next door" and "normal women" (re: body positive campaigns and the like) in the last couple of years, and away from the bombshells of the mid 90s. i'd love for her to stick around another year, but if she doesn't, she's clearly been working on her portfolio outside of vs as of late, so... on that note, i thought she KILLED it in "a night at the opera"! but i could be the cheese that stands alone there...
  7. not sure if this has been posted anywhere, but if you live in australia, the show airs this thursday december 8, 8:30pm on channel nine!
  8. adriana and lais are LIFE in the lip sync video.
  9. YEAH, lily d too. so gaga was a TREAT standing to the side like that.
  10. +1! i thought it was really cool of her to stand to the side like that. meanwhile, akon was all up in everybody's wings in 2010. literally.
  11. thank you to everybody that shared pictures (especially the hq and uhq!) and videos! grace has got to be the future of vs, COME ON VS JUST LOOK AT HER. kelly needs to be used so much more. so, so much more. lily a’s walk is still shit but from what i can see this year, and from past years, it’s improving? can’t believe they stuck camille rowe in pink but she killed it regardless. DEM CURVES. ale looked fierce af in da. ming xi is fast becoming one of my favourites. as for joan closing a segment, i ain’t mad. girl always fucking slays. also, the more i see elsa’s dragon… thing… the less… i… hate… it… and jasmine is usually forgettable to me but her fb walk was amazeballs. seconding being glad that the saltiness is dying down, jeeeez.
  12. lily d AND lily a max factor need to do the girls' makeup every year, omg.
  13. kelly's tits are a show all on their own, holy moly.
  14. i take back what i said originally. the more i look at adriana's second outfit, the less i hate it, and the more i realise it will probably be my favourite in the crazy that is tra.
  15. i would happily take the "no make up" make up with a bold, sexy af red lip, COME ON GUYS.
  16. adriana's second look looks like my two year old nephew designed AND coloured it in...
  17. HAHA I LOVE IT. i hope this is the vsfs 2017 promo picture they use on the invites and passes
  18. i love lily so much but she got the swarovski look in 2014 and botched that/did nothing with it, so
  19. right? are we all so jaded and cynical that we can't believe women actually genuinely want to be friends with other women, for no other reason than because they truly and honestly get along/like each other/have fun?
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