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Everything posted by oldschoolsifan

  1. The Sportsperson of the Year event is going on tonight. A bunch of the girls are attending. Some have already shot this year - JooJoo, Brooks, Kim, Myla - and some from last year who haven’t shot yet - Anne, Olivia B, Camille, Haley, Robin. But also there are Daniela Lopez and Rachel Hilbert. Does that mean they might be in the issue? Guess we’ll find out.
  2. Joojoo and Jamea are the ones that stood out to me from the model search so I’m really pleased by this surprise. Think she looks great in the video.
  3. Precious Lee is in Bali. Although she’s not at the same resort they started this shoot at so don’t know if it’s just coincidence. Seems like that would be a big coincidence though.
  4. Olivia C has a story up asking if people think she’s going to China or Indonesia, so I’d guess there’s a decent chance she’s headed to the shoot.
  5. And that’s it for the first shoot. Wondering if Marquita’s chest tats will make it in the magazine. Based on the last couple years I’d guess yes. But ugh I hate tattoos.
  6. Wondering if Marquita Pring might be next?
  7. I guess someone one should mention Danielle back for her fourth appearance.
  8. The problem is...? I’m much more pissed off about the shitty quality of the paper they used for last year’s issue than I am about any particular model getting this job.
  9. I’m stil wondering if there was a secret shoot in Puerto Rico. Last year’s issue said they would shoot there this year, and Darcie scouted locations there. And it just feels like this issue is short a location, not to mention a bunch of models who you would think would be back.
  10. U.S. Women’s National Team in Saint Lucia? It is a Workd Cup year for them.
  11. Can't imagine that Kelsey is just coincidentally on the same island at the same time as a shoot. I literally don't know the answer to this question, but in SI's casting decisions, but does it matter at all that Kelsey is dating Chase's ex? Or is the world of models and their boyfriends just so small and insular that nobody cares and it makes zero difference? Not that someone should or shouldn't get a job based on a boyfriend. Just makes me go hmmmm. Makes me wonder if Chase is coming back, not that I ever thought she was a one and done girl.
  12. I’m just bummed they’re doing Bahamas two years in a row. Wonder if that leaves the model search to Puerto Rico?
  13. At least I like a couple of the Final 6 of the Model Search.
  14. Looking thru everything I'd be incredibly surprised if Halima isn't in the issue. Imagine all the PR of this girl born in a Kenyan refugee camp, returns to Kenya to shoot the swimsuit issue fully covered while wearing a hijab. She's got a pretty face so it wouldn't bother me.
  15. Thinking they're heading to the Philippines, assuming Macari using same people as last year in Aruba.
  16. In his next post he said he was excited for the next 10 days.
  17. I would think changing the date of release would be above here pay grade. I’m sure she was in the discussion, but this sounds like a brilliant idea from corporate. And by brilliant I mean unnecessary and in my mind ignores the whole reason the issue has always come out when it has.
  18. I'm more bummed that the only diversity in this first location is body diversity.
  19. Hailey hasn't posted since she was at LAX 14 hours ago, so wonder if she's on her way to Oz.
  20. Makes sense for an Aussie shoot. Wonder if that might explain why so many of the castings were Aussies, relatively speaking. Miquela, Elyse, Nicole, Shanina and the Herbert twins. Wouldn't mind if a few of them were rookies.
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