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Everything posted by oldschoolsifan

  1. Lais Ribeiro officially back, as she should be.
  2. I like Tanaye just fine, but the idea that there could be two winners of last year's model search and one of them wasn't Jamea will forever be SI's biggest WTF moment.
  3. Maggie Rawlins officially the next rookie for this year.
  4. The first rookie is Natalie Mariduena. Zero clue. She's an assistant to a youtuber? Seriously? Whose opening video is about deciding whether to join with a brand? FFS.
  5. Wonder how much longer they’ll keep the so-far secret rookie under wraps? And why doesn’t Anita have a video?
  6. All the pics look good to me so far, but God I miss the days when they airbrushed out tattoos.
  7. Watched some of Kelsey’s IGTV talk with Yu. Sounds like the DR shoot was actually supposed to have been in the Philippines but they had to change plans.
  8. All this talk about Sam yet she’s not the one people will be talking about from this shoot.
  9. Maybe it shouldn’t occur to me, but I’m always bummed when there are zero African-American/black models on a shoot. Seems even more noticeable when it’s a Caribbean location.
  10. Why do I think a particular someone unannounced so far has posed at this location that people are going to bitch and whine about? And I don’t mean Hoopes.
  11. Lorena Duran is heading to work in the Caribbean. Hmmmm.
  12. Well if it’s SI she traveled for it’s with the baby, so I’m sure she’s taking care of her baby just fine.
  13. I’m thinking Olivia B and Hoopes might be doing this location.
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