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Everything posted by beachbabe129

  1. I'm sorry but PINK looks like preschoolers designed the outfits… that is just embarrassing. I think that VS should focus more on bright colors and putting together a couple of accessories for the outfits. PINK is supposed to sell to high school and college-aged girls… no girl I know would wear anything remotely close to what went down the runway during PINK. Seriously, what was VS thinking!! They don't need to throw on the ugliest sh!t they can find to make it younger! They really should consider taking the PINK segment out of the show next year because it really takes awa y from the rest of the show! Like those poor girls spent hours and hours working out in the gym to wear something that looks like a bad arts and crafts project. Such a shame
  2. I know I am probably going to sound like an idiot for asking… but why is Barbara Palvin not casted and how do we know?? BTW.. very happy that Erin will walk! Also, I bet we will find out the musical performances tomorrow or Tuesday.
  3. I agree with this, the color does not look good in Alessandra. I think it would look better on a blonde and someone super white, like Candice, Behati or Lindsay. She might not be wearing it in the show though, sometimes they decide it's better on someone else. We can hope. AGREEED! Like last year, we saw the fitting pics of Doutzen in the baby new year's outfit, but Erin got it instead… hopefully it works out like that for Ale (fingers crossed!)
  4. I think that having 2 performers would be perfect. That way there would be a few segments without performers and just models. I LOVED that about last years circus segment… hopefully VS has more of those this year!
  5. I have a feeling that Katy Perry will be there. Also, I know it's a long shot but I would LOOOVE if Lana Del Rey performed young and beautiful... that would be good if they have a segment like Silver Screen Angels, IMO. Beyonce would be great, but she is a show on her own, so she would overshadow the models too much. Miley Cyrus would be a joke there!! If Kings of Leon performed that would be so precious! I would die if Caleb and Lily had a cute moment on the runway Also... I think it's safe to say that Maroon 5 is a good candidate? If Rihanna came back (I doubt it), I would be 100% ok with that.. Diamonds was great last year!
  6. seriously.... october 9 and still NO updates? They said we would find out stuff in early October... it is now nearing mid-October.... AHHH! And a Halloween show would be awesome! However, I think they would take the costume aspect WAYYY too far. Plus, I think that as cool as that would be, VS knows that a lot of people would be at Halloween parties and trick-or-treating and they would not get as many views as they normally would. They want all of the attention to be on them so I don't think they would do a Halloween VS show. As for PINK.... I bet you they will throw together the scraps from all of the other costumes and try to make sexy clothes out of it. JK but we all know it will be a mess. VS does NOT do a good job of making a cohesive collection with PINK. They think that if it is all rainbows and sparkles that we will automatically assume it is PINK. They could still make a great collection for PINK, but they need to tone down the kid-factor and make it look good! Last year had potential, but they really took it too far and just ugh!! No one thinks a onesie is sexy..... this is VS we are talking about.. do they even make onesies?? I think they try to throw everything from PINK into the segment... but it is too much. If they focused more on the bras and panties, I think it would be much more successful. We'll see what this year has in store for us in a couple of monthss ..
  7. she has such a beautiful family!
  8. how have they not released any more information yet?!?1 ughhh
  9. hahahahha i would have bought that ticket in a heart beat... i just need $25000.00
  10. ^ agreed. who would want to replace ale and adri for a couple of newbies?! i think that they have a couple more shows in them, too!
  11. I CAN'T WAITTTTTTTTT. I'm just praying that they don't over-do everything. I have on idea who to expect for the musical performances. If Behati gets the FB then i'll be surprised if Marroon 5 isn't performing... again. As for the FB... It should be announced within the next week or two.... the FB was announced on October 12 last year so it can't be too much longer now. Hurry up VS!
  12. ^ hahahahahaha i'm dying. but seriously... they need to tone it down on all the kissy faces and kiss blowing and pointing and just no.. just no. if they did it like once or twice on the runway than sure... but their whole walk should not consist of that.. you can still be sexy without blowing kisses every fives seconds and pointing !
  13. I'm so anxious about the FB and model/artist line up!!!! ah!
  14. Anja may not have the best body for VS but I loved her at the show cause damn that girl could walk. She was incredible especially in Super Angels in 2011. True, True I just wish VS start casting more models that have both the body and the walk (I know that's asking for a lot theses days), I mean models like that still do exist.....very few these days but they are are out there. I just feel VS is so focus on being seen as hf and being accepted by other hf brands that they except any model with a nice hf resume to walk the show whether or not they actualy have the look, body, walk, presence, est that will fit the brand and lbr VS is far from hf especially theses days so they just need to let it go forreal.
  15. Is it possible for an angel to be cut from the show because of a bad casting?
  16. When is her current VS contract over?
  17. I totally agree. Rosie gave it all up WAY too soon. Transformers was good and all, but she was much much much better at modeling than acting. and Miranda was famous without Orlando... she had a solid career before meeting him. I'm sure he helped, but I don't think he is the reason she was so successful with VS.
  18. I know this is a long shot and ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE... but there's a pic of Rosie on the VS website... what if VS fired Erin and brought Rosie back. Then Rosie made her return-debut by opening the British Invasion segment? But... like I said.... it is almost impossible and I am (99.99999%) sure I am wrong
  19. That's what I thought when I saw this! It's def old though
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