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Everything posted by mameha

  1. mameha


    I don't think Adriana came off as bitchy in the interview. The language barrier, intrusive questions and difficulty of detecting sarcasm through text made it seem like it though. In the video for the shoot, she's completely joking around when she says, "The drama queen's here! It's me! Ah see, I'm heavy." *shrug* I dunno. She comes across as a laid back, fun loving girl to me.
  2. I'm starting to get sick of all reality shows. :yuckky: I used to like the Real World now they just pick vapid "beautiful" people to act out some OC esque drama.
  3. Michelle Buswell maybe?
  4. mameha

    Help !!!

    Oh man, if everyone thought that way. The world would be a better place. Putting too much thought into how you look is just a waste. Sure it feels good to pamper yourself and look your best but if that's the majority of what consumes you, what kind of person will you be? You'll be a shell. A good looking shell at that, but an empty one nonetheless. I see so many girls throwing aside any dreams of having a good education, thinking they'll just ride through life purely on how they look and it's sad. That's why I admire models like Josie Maran, Marisa Miller and Petra Nemcova (and I'm sure there are more) for seeing modeling for what it really is. They're perceptive enough to know that no matter how (momentarily) hot your career as a model is, there's a pert fresh-faced 18-year-old lurking in the shadows waiting to usurp your throne as supermodel. I still get a rise of confidence from working out, putting on makeup and dressing to the nines but at the same time I want more from myself than that. When I look back at my 20-something years after gravity has kicked in I'm not going to wish I put in a few more hours at the gym or tanned more. Studied more, got to know people more, sure...but looks just don't fit into that future picture. Just my two cents and is in no way directed to anyone here (in this thread at least).
  5. Warning: Nudity http://img118.imageshack.us/img118/418/1017lh8lt.jpg Nudity must be textlinked with a warning - edited by impel69
  6. I find myself often searching for these, please post any I might have missed. Big thanks to Slea, Azkid, ez_c and everyone else who contributed.
  7. No sorry, it was taken off e-bay (seller says it's a rare poster).
  8. Is this the right one? Sorry, couldn't find one with her wearing glasses.
  9. I love her tattoo. It's so delicate.
  10. How Natalie views her own intellectual capabilities remind me a lot of those voiced by my classmates. I don't mean that as a compliment.
  11. It looks like a compilation of images similar to what were featured in the ads that aired around Christmas time. New Push Up Without Padding (posted by azkid: similar to what Gisele's wearing) Give Me Sexy 1 (posted by impel69) Give Me Sexy 2 (posted by azkid: includes Izabel, Adriana and Ale) Victoria's Secret Gift Card (posted by impel69)
  12. That is one lucky, lucky woman.
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