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Everything posted by kellybsblover

  1. A movie with these two would be amazing! Leo is my favorite actor and Denzel is my mom's favorite. I think they are both brilliant actors--- Leo has a slight edge for me because I grew up in the 90s and who didn't love him back then? and I still love him now. Maybe one day we will have a movie with these two greats.
  2. I agree. I look at Denzel Washington as an actor I consider to be very anti-Hollywood... Leo however has always been in the mix which I don't think is bad if you like that Hollywood lifestyle.
  3. I would do it but I'm no where near Oklahoma and would be a size 10-12 ;).
  4. I don't know that much about the people Leo surrounds himself with except got Tobey Maguire and different sources have said he is not the best human being.
  5. looks like someone photoshopped that little girl in that picture?
  6. I would think the budget for what's eating Gilbert Grape was also low 🤔 just checked that movie had a budget of 11 million.
  7. I agree she did a great job! I've always found Dakota Fanning to be a great actress.
  8. Random facts but I finally connected the dots the other day. Cami's mom appears as the model of Luis Miguel's video: I guess that's when they met and started to go out later "as friends" while she was on break from Al Pacino. I personally feel she looks gorgeous on this video and would be a better fit for Leo. I'm really bored so please forgive me if this is just a bunch of ramblings. 🤣
  9. omg no way I do the same thing. I literally dragged my whole family to watch the Revenant and I was the only one impressed. I always go on on opening weekend and I let them know day and time and they all show up.
  10. Probably my favorite scene in any movie---- it really makes you feel things. 😅 I don't know about rotten tomatoes but this movie is definitely 100% approval in my book. It's the one that led me to fall in love with Leo----- ruining my life forever. I was never the same again.
  11. If I missed him by minutes I would legit cry and have a fit. No shame and I'm in my 30s. 🤣
  12. I honestly would not care either way as long as he lives his truth and that makes him happy that's fine with me.
  13. Beautiful house :), I would imagine if it's not for him it's probably for one of his parents.
  14. For those interested the GF also shared this on her instagram.
  15. He is very talented--- I hope he makes a new movie soon. I feel it's not too late for him to revive his career.
  16. Amazing! I'm super happy for your family member! Hoping for the best.
  17. In some new Leo news today--- my sister's friend's husband is a huge Leo Dicaprio fan. Their second child was born today--- and in honor of his favorite actor they named the kid Leo. 😅
  18. yup yup basically me ;)---- and I agree that I fell in love with the man in that aquarium scene. 😅 We grew up very humble- one Christmas all I asked for was the Romeo & Juliet VHS so I could rewind that once scene over and over again. 🤣Now kids can just go to youtube to watch things but I can guarantee you it's not as fun.
  19. Of all the known girlfriends he has had..... how many where black? Those pictures are also old and Rihanna was a rumour. I dont see anything bad with the fact that he has a type as I've mentioned before. It's ok most of us do.
  20. If we are going to start a discussion with that I have been following the guy for 20 plus years now and have never seen him date one. As a biracial person I think it's ok that he has a type, I think most of us do.
  21. I can't even imagine a world where people don't love Leo. 😅
  22. Looks like Camila is trying wedding dresses in her last story on instagram 😂
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