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Everything posted by kellybsblover

  1. I've been truly entertained in here today folks. Thanks🀣
  2. No offense to you and your views at all but there is no point in continuing to discuss something with someone who doesn't want to see reality for what it is.
  3. Yes in my views there is something seriously wrong with that. πŸ˜‘ but I suppose this is just me and what I think is a normal Romantic relationship. Only think that makes this not creepy is she was over 18 when they started dating. Like I said leo is pretty tame when it comes to crazy Hollywood but this one I do think is strange.
  4. I speak things as I see them my friend. Think about it. If someone met you when you were 15 and they were 37..... and you later dated with a 20 plus year difference.... with that being said before people take it to the extreme. I still wouldn't call leo a pervert I just find it a little strange. The comparison you made is not a good one. Having a crush on someone across a tv screen is different then real life relationships.
  5. She does make a good point and I'm not going to lie.... i think its weird he knew her as a teen. Jade Bahr as too your comment having a crush on emma watson from a movie we watched is different then someone actually knowing her as a teenager and later dating her in real life with a 20 year age difference.
  6. I'm all for leo discussions and speculations.... I'm bored folks πŸ˜… but looking up addresses is a little bit too much. That's extremely personal.... who ever posted that needs to edit it out ASAP.
  7. Same-- I don't see marriage or children for him--- I don't know him of course just an opinion. I also don't see these things for myself so I agree I could never judge him for it. These commitments can be lifelong especially having children and we must really consider if we want this for ourselves or not. Also this world is getting worse and worse.... I would never consider bringing another human into this.
  8. I did forget about her---- I think it's a psychological thing with him but I'll leave it at that. Time will continue to tell a story and I will sit and wait. πŸ˜…
  9. I meant dating pattern when it comes to breaking up at 25 or 26- I think it started after the Gisele break up- she was 25 or 26? then he broke up with bar around the same? so on.... again this age thing could be pure coincidence....who knows?
  10. Interesting enough his dating pattern seemed to have changed after a particular break up as far as my Leo memories take me. I could be wrong on that.
  11. I think it has to his views towards the environment. A lot of them don't believe in populating the earth.
  12. Interesting question--- In my opinion it's not just a coincidence but it's hard to explain. I also don't want to raise the fury of a particular lurker on this board----- she called me old and ugly once πŸ˜… so I'll just leave at that. I do think Irmelin and George did a good job raising him and would definitely not consider him a pedo. People are just jealous tbh--- if given a choice most people would pick someone younger to date but I struggle to understand what connection their could possibly mentally because it's such a big age difference.
  13. lol this one seems completely manufactured. I'm not a huge fan of Camila--- especially her parents but Leo really seems to like her. They go everywhere together---
  14. Omg I'm happy I stayed out of this drama. I have way to many opinions on Leo's love life.... basically because he has domi ated my life for the past 22 years but I'll let time show us the real truth. 🀫
  15. I'm not going to lie... I was a little bit freaked out to see him married to someone around his age with adult children. Sometimes I forget how old he is. πŸ˜…
  16. lol same---- Can I just stare at him for a split second from my tv screen. The cameras are always very generous to him when he does show up and I also watch to see who his date is going to be. I would say it could be a toss up between mama or Camila or both?
  17. Can I also be a little negative and say Will Smith should never be getting any nominations for acting? Does anyone think he is a good actor?
  18. Golden Globes won't be televised? how can this be? Just read about it and answered my own question. That's too bad though---- I love watching the Golden Globes. I'm happy for Leo's nomination----
  19. I saw it today too and really enjoyed it! I'm not a sci-fi fan and I don't know if it was the Leo factor but I loved it. πŸ˜… It was very hard to find a theater in my area that's playing and I'm in Miami so I am not expecting this to be a big $$$ maker.
  20. Welcome back- Everything will be ok Sliva. Just take a deep breath.
  21. Hi Leo fans--- I'm just sharing a new reading that was done on Leo just in case someone else likes this stuff. It's all in good fun so hopefully a certain person won't call me old & ugly again over this. Thanks
  22. serious question: do you just sit there obsessing over everyone's post just waiting to jump on someone for their shared opinions?
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