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Everything posted by kellybsblover

  1. OMG how awful to have someone with a camera in your face like that- I would have done the same thing. If I saw Leo in person I would probably just stare from a distance or just tell him I'm a huge fan but that's it. I would never think I'm entitled to a picture or video.
  2. You ladies have me a little stressed and I'm already stressed over the whole Ukraine situation.
  3. Absolute perfection.... I look horrible in my zoom meetings... how can this man be perfect at everything.
  4. I don't think Leo knows or cares about this reality show..... The Bar ship sailed away a long time ago.
  5. Interesting so it wasn't him in that other sighting ๐Ÿค”
  6. Hi I just thought it was interesting you mentioned Bath. I'm going to London in May and am planning a one day trip to Bath---- I'm Jane Austen obsessed and the Roman baths also interested me. How do you like Bath? looks like a small town/city?
  7. Leo is the biggest star in Hollywood and will always be. I think even if he one day decided to stop making movies (which I don't think he ever will- even though I know he hates doing publicity for them), he will still be a big name. Opinions on justjared, dailymail, and twitter are minor compared to his stardom. He is A list +++.
  8. Leo has been so quiet since superbowl festivities. I keep refreshing this page ๐Ÿคฃ
  9. I've heard multiple stories l Of Tobey not being the best person.
  10. I just happened to be 16 when this came out ๐Ÿ˜… and can only say Leo was one of the few highlights in my life as a teen. That's why my mom allowed for this obsession. She really respected the fact that this man brought me joy.
  11. Haha I think my parents knew how much I struggled as a teen so they fed my obsession. ๐Ÿคฃ
  12. Source Always thought this quote is on point. Some love for Richard here? These years pass by so quickly---- this is one of the many Leo movies I remember watching in a theater.
  13. interesting that this is in another language for me. ๐Ÿคจ I'm going to bed.๐Ÿ˜…
  14. I agree--- this just peaked my interest today----- I had a very boring day. Any type of Leo gossip peaks my interest. ๐Ÿคฃ
  15. The article is telling us girl with bucket hat is Camila---you ladies are saying it's not----- I'm horrible when it comes to details.๐Ÿคฃ so I have no clue.
  16. I think it is Camila--- the person sitting next to her in the pictures also looks like her mother but I'm not an expert.
  17. I can understand the lead actors nominations except for Will Smith. IMO his acting skills is a joke and I'm offended he took a spot that should have been Leos.
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