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Everything posted by limalove

  1. Guys..its ok! haha I already get it I don't want proves or anything like it.. I believe in you. I just got some doubts of my own..and thats it
  2. limalove


    I think Adri should date some member of my family hehe I'd be soooo happy for the couple! But well..if she's not with Deny anymore,its because she knows he's not for her..like..it wasn't good enough to make her complete and happy.
  3. sheebshag, yeah..I know all about push up bras and stuff..and I've seen everything and every pic of adri..and bla bla bla its okay..I won't say anything again if it causes so much confusion here... I'm done. Get it? I just don't wanna be discussing about breast implants cause this doesn't make any difference in our lives!! or at least, in mine. lol
  4. limalove


    Old lady? I don't think Graça is old :\ She looks good to me...
  5. Oh my....ok ok I won't discuss with u...calm down! I still think she have...if she doesn't have, its like...whatever to me..u know? she's beautiful anyway!! I've never believed she have fake lips...but after she started VS, her breasts got pretty bigger comparing with how they used to look... but whatever..I really don't mind. I didn't mean to offend anybody But I wont change my opinion cause I understand a lot about plastic surgery, and seen some "marks" on her breasts I got to that conclusion; and also I've already saw some people saying that she does have implants here at Bellazon. Nevermind... she's a goddess ANYWAY and I love her..just like u do!
  6. lol of course she have! but whats the problem???? its very natural,but she does have implants my friend
  7. lol of course she have! but whats the problem???? its very natural,but she does have implants my friend
  8. limalove


    well...it is repost...but..who cares? i don't o/
  9. hello girl!

    I have to say.....u're very pretty!!! :|

  10. HAPPY B-DAY TO OUR GORGEOUS,KIND,SWEET AND LOVELY ADRIANA LIMA!!! I wish you all the best! I love you dear!
  11. this is an old pic...maybe when she didn't had implants yet
  12. the first is very new to me! thanx sabriana
  13. THANK U DAZZ!!! gorgeous pic! *credits to lilie
  14. Thank u so much for those HQ
  15. limalove


    I agree with u guys! I mean...she came from a mixed family, and u can totally see that mix! I love her eyes...its very exotic.. Every single piece of her came from somewhere...she has the brazilian thing, the african and indian thing, the swiss thing.... like she said "its the hole mix" She's amazing!! *and u're welcome Kadu
  16. limalove


    I'm posting the pics you asked, and some that I didn't see at bellazon..sorry if its repost Hope u like
  17. George Rech pics Sabriana posted here http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?sho...256&st=1820 but its advertisements, so...here I'm! I'm not givin credits cuz I didn't found those at Bellazon .
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