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B&O Railroad

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Posts posted by B&O Railroad

  1. I never know if they are under rated or that they retired early or never really liked modeling but here are 4 models that I believe are highly under valued.

    4. Basia Milewicz. Looks a lot like Daniela Pestova to me. I'm not quite as nutz about her as I am Pestova but 5 pages seems wofully scant.


    3.Daniela Urzi. Agentian model. A great looking model, who gets herself in front of great photographers and still she only has 5 pages. I don't understand that at all.


    2.Kristy Hinze. I may like Daniel Urzi more than Kristy (I'd have to think about it.). But seeing how Kristy was a Sports !llustrated model, you think that would be enough to get her 10 pages alone. Hell, just being Australian should get you 10 pages. Yet she has done great work since then as well. She looks as good as ever, does quality work with great photographers and still only has 6 pages including the Kristy Seanson pictures someone posted there.


    1. Shariz Tal. I guess I should take some comfort in the fact that she is often referred to as a super model. If she is a super model I guess her power would be long periods invisibility. She was in Victoria's Secret-- I get the impression people know who she is. Still, only 5 pages of posts. The quality of the pics aren't great. A few HQ picts. Never the less she is one of my favorite models. I just love her looks. Go figure.


  2. ^What? What? What? :shock: They've removed Klum - but kept Miller in? Hmmm...

    OK then, without further ado - let's indulge the 'pointless speculation' and lay the odds down for the runners and riders for this year's Fantasy (excuse me... :sleep: ) Bra:


    Thanks for the "handicap" Baron, but the real comeback is going to be Almudena Fernandez, the forgotten VS model will be sporting Eco designer Al Gore's environmental friendly compost bra. Say good by to those conflict stone encrusted pushups. The Gore brazier is made with up of 100 percent NY City compost, because what could be a bigger FANTASY than imagining you can save the planet with products even if you call them "Green"? Oh SNAP! I just got all political and junk. My bad 'all! Even money on Almudena!

  3. I probably shouldn't be telling you this but love calculators are extremely accurate or at least they were. After 9-11 the NSA awarded Halaberton a no-bid contracted to re-purposed the "love algorithms" to stop checking for compatibility and instead profile for terrorists. Which is a total violation of our civil rights on one hand, but on the other had has been very effective at identifying terrorists.

    Anyway, this story was covered by the New York Times and they say that if you want to find out if you are cosmically compatible with a celebrity you best bet is to use love calculators from countries not aligned with America in the War on Terror, countries like North Korea, or Iran.


    Puma, I was talking to Ines the other day and she said she liked you. And I was like, "like like?" and she was like, " well, you know 3 quarters of the time." So the love calculator you used was spot on."

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