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B&O Railroad

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Posts posted by B&O Railroad

  1. yes that's it!!

    it's your turn!

    I was going to guess Cyd Charisse. Only I thought it was Cid Chrisse, and "Cid" was a guy, and may be I wasn't going to guess Cyd at all but Linda Ronstadt, or the Russian lady from Indiana Jones. So what do you say? Half credit?

    PS. I have another "Copy Inspiration post ready to go if no one else is ready.



  2. The good news is that Raquel Welch made it to the Island by molecularly shrinking herself and injecting herself into the bloodstream of Ursala Andress. The bad new is I very disappointed that the Raquel Welch fans who failed to inform me of this fact. But that okay. I know your true identities and will place deadly tarantulas in your room while you are sleeping... BuwwaHa-ha-ha-ha-ha! :ninja:

    PS I am including a picture of her in a power white bikini for added measure.





  3. Middle Ages? maybe Fair Rosamund?

    Lisa-1 You are SO close again. First you name Ophelia and the artist that painted the image I am thinking of painted a version of Ophelia. How you have named Fair Rosamunda and the same artist painted a version of Rosamunda. So it seems a little bit nigglining of me not to give you the win. Right? Well, Im nothing if not niggling. So let's go for one more guess to see if we can get a bullseye, and if not I will reveal exactly what I had in mind.

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