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Status Updates posted by AnthonyDeOliveira

  1. haha no prob.

    hey u like my new username?

    luv ya 2

  2. haha ok. give it to flavia and caroline F.

    yea there are a lot of models prettier than gisele in my opinion. but gisele has an amazing body.

  3. haha thanks i luv it to cypress made it she actually made the whole set. so what r u up too? whats australia like?

  4. haha thanks man. i got ur back on w/e u need. lol

  5. Haha there all from myspace

  6. Haha why?

    i think she told me shes to argentina, but idk if thats right now, but yea idk man, why u like ma buddy? lol

  7. haha, i dont think id fit in cuz im brown :|

  8. haha, want me to help u?

    i was just think that if u were to come here everyone would be mistakening u for a Hawaiian lol

  9. haha,

    thats ok we'll talk later, im just so happy i got my permit to drive yay!

  10. haha. i dont know. this time i just used the myspace creator its right under your picture, at ur home page. :hug:

  11. haha.

    my life is ok, hopefuly i get my diploma soon.

    i wish i had a job, i want money!!! so i can go to srbija haha.. i just want to travel

  12. happy 99th birthday wooot

  13. Happy Birthday Nath!

  14. Happy Birthday.

    your now an official Adult :p.

  15. happy new years to you too, well tradition over her is we go over to my families house, and pop fireworks, but i didnt go, i watched the new york countdown


    how u been?

  17. haps, u know.

    well me not much listening to music like always.

    how u been?

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