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Barbara's panda.

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Everything posted by Barbara's panda.

  1. ^ https://vine.co/v/blteVEdu7Vi https://vine.co/v/bltOXL1UriB
  2. somfaiagi: 'Gozsdu! @realbarbarapalvin @lexxxmd'
  3. sarahrabby: ' What up blood @theophiluslondon @realbarbarapalvin @ayleryoung
  4. From Barbara's instagram : 'Evil! Devil!'
  5. Omg she's so sexy. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BMBKOvDCAAA-ehZ.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  6. From Barbara's instagram: 'Kidz������������ stellamaxwell @nahstazia' http://25.media.tumblr.com/98020b6b14655fc34cea02d67225c9f3/tumblr_mnu1t5zxX51rjry5jo1_500.png Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  7. L'Oréal: http://24.media.tumblr.com/96db8869c8fe97ca5749dc02ae3eddb0/tumblr_mnio81xkBQ1rln065o1_500.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  8. Is it new? http://25.media.tumblr.com/10b15a0ae5dc4c709c35e3aa8ff87671/tumblr_mnf6zdLo7H1qmtfiyo1_500.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  9. Do u have any HQ photos from day2 ?
  10. @BarbaraPalvin wearing Alexandre Vauthier for Red Carpet #cannes2013 : https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKza4Z8CIAAyRz5.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  11. Airport photos: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKtas5TCUAA6kUa.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKtWsPJCEAAiUex.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKtWiGsCIAAMNaa.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  12. Guys , do you've any new photos from airport ?
  13. Amazing... https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/579409_275170069290199_1777084110_n.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  14. New personal photos: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKd7Dz_CQAAr__e.jpg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKd7ZG4CUAAOWZ6.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  15. Is it new? http://25.media.tumblr.com/fbcbde5e78dc4e86b80ebdb86786607e/tumblr_mmvaa1YcE91rfqys6o1_500.png Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
  16. Shopbop https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BKUDVvdCUAE-dOu.jpg Images hosted on facebook, VK, instagram, twitter, tumblr, etc. are not meant to be hotlinked outside their approved sites. Please textlink or upload image(s) onto a host. For more information click HERE. Thanks! ~post edited by PinkCouture
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