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Everything posted by jule

  1. Hmm. When I look at these pictures, I've got to say that the one that looks better of last ones, without the hair, is Fionas. Really...
  2. Hey... I've tried one, but the quality of the picture is really too bad to make something really good looking. (That's why I used a few colours and dots etc. ...)
  3. Heeeey - that's exactly my opinion!!!!! How did you know? xDDDD I'm scared by your abilities!!! Okay, There's this Mandy thing. I don't know if I like her or not... She is just... Don't know!
  4. Wuuuhu.... Alla is out! (She was really the worst one)
  5. Hmm.. sieht aus, als wenn es nicht funktioniert. Die wollen einfach nicht dunkelbraun werden und ich glaub ich geh dazu zum Fris

  6. It's on TV right now and Milla, Fiona and Hana were in Paris to walk on the fashion week. And they were good. All three!
  7. Yeeeah^^ Our Heidi. I like her. She is so cute!! And when she talks... Sooo cute. And.. Hmm. Doesn't matter. I don't like Alla. My opinion: Let her go... She can do other things better, I'm sure.
  8. Joa, also... Ich hab irgendwie auch blonde im

  9. Ja, ich habs nicht getan^^

    Ich konnte nicht. Und ich glaube mein Gesicht ist auch zu rund daf

  10. Hmm, yeah. I couldn't do this to my hair.... The feeling was so... Hmm, and now my hair i shorter than before, but still long enough. My face is too round i think... Yep, Fiona is crying a lot, but that shows me more and more that she is a real human and not such a woman like Enyerlina was...
  11. Yes, I am^^(How did you know? xD ) And I like Fiona too. Her character isn't the easiest to handle with, but I like her I like Boris. I like his curly head^^ And I think he is knowing what he is doing. Sure, he has to in this business but he is a real human next to his job. Like Bruce, very nice and so on...
  12. Yeah, that's for sure. But which way^^ Don't know. I'll see how I feel tomorrow and if there's something that is against this cut, I won't do it. If there's not, I will^^ Watched the new trailer of GNT a few minutes ago and outch! Anni is aaaaargh... Why does she always say something bad against Fiona? I know, she is a difficult type of human, but she is a girl like her or me or any other...
  13. Yeah... Don't know what my friends are thinking of it *holidays* ^^ But I think I'll go tomorrow and will see^^ But I'm scared!!!! If it doens't look "good" there are many month to spend to get my hair longer again...
  14. Hey.. One question^^ What do you think of Anetas new hair cut? I reaaaally love it and I'm thinking about cutting it like hers (Mine is as long as her was, before she got the cut! And mine is blonde not black..)
  15. Oh I do! I love her voice and her music. She is really one of the last "real singers". I like her songs and the lyrics. And I'm afraid of her new album! Listen to Steer on her MySpace site. I like this song too. It's something new, but I like it.
  16. Yes she really did. I don't like Alla and Anni at all, they're talking behind the backs of the other girls and then, when they look into the face of the girl they talked about a few minutes ago, they're playing nice world... I hate this kind oh people!
  17. The last two are pictures which were taken for her new album "On A Claer Night", which appears on the 28th april. (The single "Steer", which appears on the 14th april you can listen to on her my space sit: http://www.myspace.com/missyhiggins )
  18. Yeah, it was their free day. Mandy, Alla, Anja and Aneta were on the bowling course and after that they have driven Gocarts. And Alla said that she has won, because she passes all the other girls, but she hadn't. And then she looked proud into the camera and said that she was the best and so on... I don't like her. She is so arrogant!
  19. OH - MY - GOD - ! - ! - ! I saw something like a preview of what is happening thursday on another show on Pro7 and euuuw -.- Alla, I don't like her. More than before. She has always to win everything and can't live with knowing that someone was better than her. She is... aaaaaargh! I don't like her!!!!
  20. My favourites are 1. Aneta 2. Barbara 3. Hana It's not that Mandy is ugly or something like this, but I only think she isn't a beauty enough to be a topmodel. Sure, she is beautiful, but I don't think she can handle with this job...
  21. Yeah, sure, but I don't know... When I look at this picture... There is something that disturbs me. I like her too and I love her french accent^^ but I don't like this picture. I really think Barbara is going to win this competition, because she isn't this "normal German like". Her red hair and these things. She isn't my favourite, but I think if Germany has to vote for the winner, Barbara would have many voices and people behind her.
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