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Posts posted by Renyxa

  1. Neva is so lovely :laugh: By the way, what does she say to Natalia? I can't understand...

    she gives her own (she is the author) recipe of simple Blini (very much like crepes) but they are slightly unusual because they are made with barley flour instead of regular wheat flour.

    3 eggs mixed with 250 mg of reduced fat milk and 2 table spoons of barley flour and a bit of olive oil. She also says that she will be on Trafalgar Square on Feb 26 at the annual Russian festival Maslennitsa and awaits all friends.

    aww, i meant Neva speaking to Natalia when she gives her a piece of pancake - she asks a question, and Natalia answers in Russian, and I need to know what the question was...I guess it starts with "why..."? :ninja:

  2. But I do think that it is written from her words (an interview) and some of the yes, widely-known information was just told with more genuine emotion and details.

    But that's just my perception of it.

    I got your point, and can't disagree. the cover is lovely too, a very beautiful shot (especially her mom's comparing to the previous pictures of her)

  3. I highly doubt that this article was written by Natalia herself. I believe that it's just an extended retelling of "Russian Cinderellas" story, seems like Natalia just approved its content and added a few words to what has been told before.

  4. Did anyone notice that, according to Google translator, the russian site reports that she says "Unfortuntely I'm not pregnant"

    i don't think that this word has a special meaning; it's more appropriate to translate it as "i'm sorry to disappoint you, but..."

  5. It doesn't look like her in the first pic of post 7369.

    She seems to be the favourite of all designers of the world...I guess it's a good thing, but sometimes I wonder : who Natalia Vodianova is really becoming..?.....lol sorry...

    she looks yummy-yummy there :laugh: i do miss teen look of hers. and i wonder what do you mean with the second line?

  6. Thank you Rexyna for these pictures, Natalia is so cute ! No one can be compared to her :wub:

    Natural style suits her, but maybe she wants to erase her image of childlike woman. She might be tired of it.

    my pleasure :wave: you know, i don't think that Natalia would do something to change people's mind about her; i believe that her outfits are reflections of her current mood or state of mind. my favourite Natalia's looks are slightly messy, boylike and very elegant, aristocratic on the contrary. like this:



  7. i have to agree with adolf; it's hard for me to hear Natalia speaking Russian too. however, as Eos said, she did a great job while learning English, what means that Natalia is smart at learning new material. i remember her mother talking in "Russian Cinderellas", and she didn't speak very well too; maybe Natalia took this manner of speech from her, who knows

  8. по правде, я по жизни не очень-то слежу за всякими скандалами, поэтому мне сложно сказать, где у журналистов предел наглости) но судя по последним статьям, по этому гаденькому языку, которым они пишут, смелости у них на многое хватает. но то, что они много шумихи наделали, меня тоже настораживает. кстати, а что это за интервью, про которое ты говорила? его в сети найти можно?

    by the way, Viktor is turning 3 soon :)

  9. So she lied? Nice... She looks happy in the pics. Anyway, i would never believe that Justin was a bad husband. If it's her fault i won't respect her as a person anymore

    I'm deeply disappointed

    i think this is those "journalists" who lie. there's no evidence that Viktor is with her

  10. But back to the blame - we do NOT know what's happening between them and who is to blame, do we?..

    that's for sure, i'm going to believe this story only when i'll hear the fact of divorce from Natalia herself. i was talking about the original article from kp.ru, and have to admit that it is massively reprinted by russian internet media, spreading this rumour on a crazy skill :yuckky:

  11. дык эту статью уже полинтернета перепечатало :anger:

    somehow i'm sure if divorce takes place, Natalia will be the first person to be justified, not Justin. all his love and support she gave to her will be shaded to the background and everyone will remember him just as a main component of the fairytale. that what i think :(

  12. speaking truth, i feel sorry for Justin the most. he was always described by media as a good husband and - suddenly - he is presented as a heavy drinker and gambler who has nothing but his aristocratic origins. he doesn't deserve this for sure. by the way, Natalia's profile pic on facebook was changed to the one with Justin, it's strange that no one noticed that :ninja:

  13. http://www.topnews.ru/news_id_34238.html

    Муж Натальи Водяновой опровергает, что они разводятся.

    В интервью газете "Комсомольская правда" лорд Джастин Портман опроверг сообщение французского журнала "ELLE" о грядущем разводе с Натальей Водяновой.

    - Да, я знаю, что они написали... Меня это жутко раздражает! - заявил журналистам Джастин. - Вы можете написать: мы не разводимся! И это совершенная правда.

    Родная бабушка Натальи, Лариса Гавриловна, так же, как и супруг Натальи уверяет, что слухи о разводе – вымысел чистой воды:

    - Наташа, как дочь. Она нам с дедом звонит чуть ли не каждый день, рассказывает, как живет, в сложных ситуациях, бывает, спрашивает совета. Да мы и сами видим, какие у них нежные отношения с Джастином. Они же до сих пор без ума друг от друга.

    Между тем, несмотря на опровержение бабушки Натальи Водяновой о разводе звездной внучки с лордом Джастином Портманом, приближенные семьи супермодели утверждают обратное. Журналисты "КП" в Нижнем Новгороде выяснили, что говорят об отношениях Портман-Водяновой друзья и знакомые.

    - Разлад в семье Натальи и Джастина действительно есть, - рассказывает близкая подруга семьи Натальи Водяновой. – Я слышала, что Наташа собрала вещи и уехала с детьми из родового поместья Портменов практически полгода назад. Тогда я очень сильно удивилась, ведь они такая прекрасная крепкая пара.

    Родители супермодели, живущие в Нижнем Новгороде так же скрывают расставание Натальи и Джастина, поскольку Водянова не позволяет родным общаться с журналистами на тему ее личной жизни.

    - На новогодние праздники Наталья возила родителей и друзей на отдых на острова Антигуа, но Джастин остался в Англии, - рассказала близкая подруга семьи Натальи Водяновой.

    Напомним, в браке Наталья и Джастин воспитывают 8-летнего Лукаса, 4-летнюю Неву и 2-летнего Виктора.

    it says that Justin and Natalia's grandmother deny the fact of separation, but according to Natalia's family friends, Natalia and Justin don't get along actually :/

  14. guys, i think you exaggerate a little bit. Justin is an aristocrat, he's not supposed to show his feelings. as Natalia said in "Russians" about his role in their family, "he's like a true English dad, sitting on the sofa and reading a newspaper", and that she had to do all by herself. i think that this relationship is much deeper than it seems. i don't know, i can feel it somehow :blink:

    but Natalia not mentioning him recent days makes me feel strange too. as pautinka said, it's all about her children in the last interview. maybe we should wait till the Love Ball?

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