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Everything posted by Anjel2nV

  1. Anjel2nV


    this is the best Gisele video EVER! can anyone rip this to upload- she is just the definition of the strongest most captivating walk ever! she could wear shit & still look this good! i'm gonna miss her @ next yrs vsfs
  2. aHa! you beat me to it! these scans are from the most recent issue of the Australian OK magazine that i mentioned 2 u guys last wk. Thanks for beating me to it Yannick
  3. holy fuck that's stunning! i love the concept worked through it too! thank you so much for the fabulous scans!
  4. seeing these pics makes me so proud *& envious* of her. thanks for posting!
  5. Well damn! There goes my secret. Buuut my 2nd secret i better tell now before someone posts before i get a chance to.. she is the guest editor for the next issue of the Australian OK magazine which goes on sale next wk [i only found this out during lunch while she was back in syd following her short stint in RAFW last wk.] So there! hehe. She had to take notes backstage to cover everything for this special issue. Keep an eye out- she was so impressed with the designers & was so honoured to be asked to do this. She did so well!! Yet another thing to add to her resume. Btw she is the spokesmodel for Noni juice also- we swear by this stuff! seriously, you don't know what ood it can do for you until you try it.
  6. that cover is wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooow! tfp!!
  7. Thanks for uploading with rapidshare- i love this interview! she would be the perfect person to just chill with..
  8. the versace contract is not a rumor.
  9. thanks but umm it doesn't work??
  10. i know something u don't know doo dah doo dah hehe
  11. I now have permission to post that even though this was a last min addition to the australian rosemont fashion wk lineup [beginning 2mrw] MIRANDA WILL BE WALKING FOR ALEX PERRY!! [ONE OF OUR MOST FAVORABLE + FAMOUS DESIGNERS!] She arrived here early this morn & the poor girl has bronchitis- hehe she still sounds like her though haha. SO KEEP AN EYEOUT- HOPEFULLY I WILL BE ATTENDING SOME SHOWS THIS YR !
  12. i'm so pissed i missed conan- i did see a bit on youtube though- my gosh she is gorgeous & so real! did anyone happen to cap it?????? PRETTY PLEASE CAN U POST IT??? tia xxx
  13. i wouldn't be complaining if i had 'd&g campaign' on my cv no matter how it turned out.
  14. That was THE BEST FCUKING concert EVER last night [last one, this thursday] yay!!! seeing them pics helps me relive how FCUKING AWESOME it was!!! Thanks for posting, i will post my pics + vids when i get them off the camera
  15. Anjel2nV

    Jessica Alba

  16. no, (actually i don't know) but it's from that "famous" fake-blog http://onlymarija.livejournal.com/ lol, i am so embarassed for actually believing that site- i only read a lil bit the first time but now that i read the rest it's hillarious! a) as if she has time or could even be bothered & b) i understand people who don't speak english have really broken english but this quote "Gemma Ward such scary model. She have big alien head, I do not appreciate. I work hard for beautiful faces and then ugly alien head show up and make all my beautiful work useless. What nexts they let real alien model? I no think so." LMAO!!!
  17. i'm not being biased, promise. G E M M A !!!!!!!!!
  18. hehe quite a few double or should i say triple posts, but thanks any way!!
  19. No, it wasn't Australian fashion wk- it was the event i was @ with my friends [refer to my previous post] http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?sho...910&st=1420 about 3 wks ago now. Sydney MAFW won't start until a few wks time [rumor is Mir will b back for some shows]
  20. i love it! it's beautiful, well done
  21. those scans are fine! thank you for posting cyp!!
  22. hehe she's definately still with brent & no, that's not her in the dkny ad but keep ur eye out for her anyway
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