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Everything posted by lua

  1. Such nice words from Helen Mirren, one of my heroines, about Leo - thanks oxford!
  2. thanks to http://thyintergalacticjuliet.tumblr.com/post/24609238442/kate-winslet-marie-claire-interview-2004 NotesKate Winslet: Marie Claire Interview 2004. Marie Claire: You have two children right? Kate Winslet: Yes, their names are Mia and Joe. Marie Claire: What kind of mother are you? How do you potentially describe yourself? Kate Winslet: Well, I think I could say chaotic, we're always on the run going somewhere. And I am kind of... well, apprehensive, I guess and severe just when needed. I also try to give my children moral values, and I hope I can do good with them. I try to teach them what is important in life, being genorous with your time, your friends, the ones you love. I try to cultivate their gentler, spiritual, kinder side. But sometimes, it's not easy when 'UNCLE LEO' comes along. (She laughs) Marie Claire: What do you mean? Kate Winslet: Well, me and Leo (DiCaprio) are very good friends. He adores my children but the problem is, he spoils them rotten! I mean, Mia is just 4 years old and she's a megalomaniac. She says she wants to be an actress, singer and GOD knows what else. And if you ask her why she thinks she can do all that, she's gonna tell you "Because Uncle Leo says I can," and that's it for her. Can you imagine taking a 3 year old kid to Fao Schwartz and tell her "Take everything you want and Uncle Leo is gonna buy you that?" Well, Leo did exactly this, last Christmas, Mia was overjoyed. She thought Leo was Santa Claus.You know, I try to teach her material things are not important and there comes Uncle Leo with the newest model of a doll's house! (She laughs) Marie Claire: I know how it feels. I say, me and my husband we have a friend that's just like that. Kate Winslet: Yeah, I guess in a while, I'll be the monster and they'll dump me and go live with Uncle Leo. (She laughs) OK, I'm kidding. I really love Leo, I mean we're on the phone constantly when we're in different places. I love the fact that Leo loves my children so much and treats them like his very own. I just wish he'd not spoil them so much. (She laughs again) You know, I hadn't seen him for nearly five years and two years ago, he sent me a marvelous bouquet of flowers for my birthday with a note that said he missed me ('I miss you, darling' written on the note). Since that time, we talk on the phone a lot. We are really that close. Very close. I love him very much.
  3. http://donniedarkos.tumblr.com/post/56715523994/he-is-to-me-one-of-the-greatest-actors-of-our
  4. Not sure if the fan pic is recent but was posted on tumblr today so suspect it is fairly recent.
  5. Alec Baldwin on his favorite current actors Cue a discussion about the state of acting today – and how he dislikes what most men are doing. "Most contemporary actors want to seem sullen, virile, lean, and they just bore me beyond any measure. The best acting typically in movies today is done by the women. There are some men who I admire, but not many. I love Colin Firth, I think he's great. I like Clive Owen. I love Leo [DiCaprio], when Leo gets to do a film that I think is worthy of him. But the women are the ones I most have my eye on."http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/features/i-really-dont-care-after-that-twitter-scandal-alec-baldwin-discusses-fatherhood-working-with-woody-allen-and-being-in-the-public-eye-8714563.html
  6. Thanks to all for the tweets, new photos and videos http://young-leo-old-leo.tumblr.com/post/55421034366/leonardo-dicaprio-th e-naughty-boy-being-totally
  7. In anticipation of WOWS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zEGPW-t6IMc
  8. Just a thought and not to burst any bubbles but it's possible Leo's people (publicist, lawyers, family etc) google news like anyone else and if they did, they would see links to stories about the instagram and twitter photos, and not this site. Though its also possible, they review sites that Leo-related also.
  9. Morgan Eastwood, daughter of Clint, is a fan of Leos http://instagram.com/p/ZjiPP-KD1X/
  10. It's scary I know and remember all this but since Django (the dog was brought up), here is what I recall: Django was given to Leo from Gisele when Gisele moved back to NYC after she had been living with him in his house in LA.She mentioned this in I believe a Vanity Fair interview or perhaps it was Harpers Bazaar. This was after they had broken up and then got back together after a year apart. Prior to that they got a boxer (Willie) while they were together and she at that time also had a dog named Hazel ( a mix breed dog) plus of course her Yorkie, Vida. I am sure a Gisele fan would have photos of them together with the boxer, Vida and Hazel. Harry Josh, Gisele's friend and hairdresser talked about Django in an interview a while back; he said something like, "Django was like Leo's and Gisele's child"... Also while Leo and Gisele were together, Gisele included in her official website the names of her dogs (Willie, Hazel and Vida and Django) as well as her horses. After they broke up, it seems Leo kept Willie and Django as I saw photos of the dogs with Leo after the final breakup.In the VF interview, Gisele mentioned Leo was looking after her horses when she moved back to NYC - they were still a couple at this time.
  11. This photo deserves a bigger version. Thank you for the find LuckyGirl
  12. Thnks kulsuzi for the tweet. Is this is real Fran Dresher? Sounds like it - it is cute she was so excited to see Leo.
  13. Thanks oxford. I thought Irmelin and the boyfriend had been together for much longer (I believe Leo came to know the Black Keys members thru Erin H) , like more than 5 years but I may be wrong.
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