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Everything posted by lua

  1. Not sure whether this was shared before,from theLACMA event a few weeks ago.Towards the end shows Leo on stage speaking.He looks so handsome, love his look at this event http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm0eiApLxE4&feature=youtube_gdata_player .
  2. Toni's not being surreptitious about Leo - there are videos and photos of them at the b-d party that are pretty non-surreptitious! She's following in the footsteps of other gfs in not talking about him to the press, at least not this early in the relationship. After a couple of years, Gisele talked about Leo much more, even on shows like Regis and Kelly or in print interviews.
  3. oxford, thanks for the TobeyLeo photo and the Paris Match article - liked the content except for the fact they seem to think the Kat Torres thing was real
  4. Thanks Glitter for that great pic - that's Leo's dog Django in the background, right Thanks for ID'ing the photog, oxford. BTW, the bulldog belong to another person, not Lindsay Lohan, I think. Lohan "liked" the pic on her Instagram account
  5. oxford, the background city looks like it is somewhere in the Far East - when he was in Japan or Korea or China earlier this year?
  6. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ianfromblighty/4775256755/sizes/l/in/photolist-8gYrt2-9exWNq-8j2m9D-8cnhbe-dNq42V-8eQT5P-9TnDN4-e9CbjK-8eU9Z9-8eQTCg-deFAXR-8cqCfY-8eUe1S-7Atvgu-azazwh-bQSSEr-bkbvmE-bRms26-89mk61-8cnh8t-8eUdDW-9cXtde-855eYd-eg3fsT-bJcegX-8cnhbH-9cXFrR-8cqCeu-gLdago-c5Abhy-dLZcHo-cbZFE5-8vqsWN-94rpM4-94uv57-aySr2q-7BACfj-eg9KbB/
  7. New York Daily News - first mention that Scorsese was at th b-day party LEO’S A-LIST B-DAY It was the kind of birthday bash one would expect from “The Wolf of Wall Street.” Leonardo DiCaprio celebrated turning 39 by taking over Tao Downtown on Sunday for a party attended by half of Hollywood. The star held a private dinner for 100 friends and relatives, including his mom and Victoria’s Secret model girlfriend Toni Garrn, along with Martin Scorsese, Benicio del Toro, Alex Rodriguez, Derek Jeter, Ed Norton, Tobey Maguire and money man Ron Burkle. The action then moved to the Chelsea hotspot’s lounge, where Kanye West delivered a surprise performance, watched over by his baby mama Kim Kardashian. “It was camera-phone crazy,” says our spywitness. “Orlando Bloom was dancing up a storm and rapping to Kanye’s songs while Leo was working the room like a pro. Then Q-Tip came on and rocked it.” A charity auction featuring two bottles of Moet & Chandon Grand Vintage 1921 helped raise over $3 million for charities supported by the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/confidential/streisand-voice-rich-2-3m-gig-article-1.1513560#ixzz2kUYUADHE
  8. True, in the article, the writer brings up the fact that when he got Leo's interview, it was in a conference room whereas George invited the writer to his home for the interview. But I still love the fact that Clooney's publicist put out that statement right away - shows the powe of Leo, IMO.
  9. LOL, thanks oxford - when I read that Esquire article, I thought somewhere down the line, Clooney would regret or feel the heat about what he said and try to retract the comments. I wonder if he said anything about the Crowe part, which I actually think was worse - I mean, Russell apoligized and Clooney still is upset about it after all these years??What a douche
  10. Kevin Connelly with Stacy Keibler? Surely just rumor, if that. How would they kiss - with him up on a ladder? :brows:
  11. Thanks calibi for posting the whole Clooney interview. It enforces what I believed Clooney was implying What an egotist. I'm pretty sure Leo isn't concerned that he isn't in Clooneys group of people he (Clooney) considers worthy Leo has friends like Ed Norton, Bradley Cooper, Benicio Del Toro, Orlando Bloom (all at his brithday party tonight) as well as Guillaume Canet, Tom Hardy, etc, etc. Thanks for the party tweets and video, oxford.
  12. Oh, I think he speaks ill of someone directly when you say someone surrounds himself with people who won't tell him what's what - it's saying Leo only has people around him who are suck ups. Which I doubt but EVEN if it were true, I think it's self-serving of George to say it publically.What does he really know about what kind of people Leo's friends are.
  13. Hey George Clooney get that big stick out of your behind. Trash-talking in pick up basketball games is expected . Besides you come off like a little baby calling Leo out in a magazine article for something like that. He has his own clique of friends like Pitt and Damon, who ass kiss amongst themselve - its so high school.
  14. This photo has probably been posted here before but her official Twitter account photo is remarkable
  15. Thanks Katchitup, sadako, and oxford. He looks really tall in the airport pics.
  16. Thanks katchitup! Leo just looks so handsome - in the pics of course but when you can see him on video, it is even better.
  17. Reports from Hollywood this morning are pretty exciting: last night’s LACMA gala honoring Martin Scorsese was about as star-studded as you can get. Everyone from Jane Fonda and Warren Beatty to Leonardo DiCaprio was there in splendid black tie. No less than Sting serenaded the crowd with six songs: “Every Breath You Take,” “Message in a Bottle,” “Desert Rose,” “Fields of Gold” and “Englishman in New York” with Chris Botti on trumpet. Dhani Harrison, son of the late Beatle George Harrison, also performed. His mom, the great Olivia Harrison, was all smiles. There was a lot of talk about Scorsese and DiCaprio’s “Wolf of Wall Street.” Sources say Scorsese showed producer Irwin Winkler his newest cut on Friday, clocking in at around two hours and 45 minutes. (We’ll take it!) Some other guests at the knockout affair included Tom Hanks, Jake Gyllenhaal, Zoe Saldana, Kate Hudson, Robert Downey Jr. and his producer wife Susan, Jeremy Renner, Amy Adams and Darren Gallo, Catherine Keener and Salma Hayek.http://www.showbiz411.com/2013/11/03/sting-serenades-scorsese-at-a-list-gala-in-hollywood-with-beatty-fonda-dicaprio-and-more
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