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Everything posted by Claudia

  1. Claudia

    Jessica Alba

    I hope so because she looks so dreadfully pale!
  2. it's difficult but i voted Jessica because Kristin rarely looks that good as she does on the pics above.
  3. I voted for petra. It was a tough decision because their faces are nearly equally beautiful but Petra has a much more better body. With all respect to Alessandra, her face is fair but her body looks like it's going to collapse every minute.
  4. where can i get those pictures of models with and without makeup??
  5. Claudia


    I read also the thing with the amputation but it was from a trash paper. too. so i thought I infrom myself of how bad her injuries really are. All the sources I've found just say that she has some injuries but will recover and that her boyfriend is missing. Nothing more and nothing less and I think that's the truth.
  6. Hmm. I think Alessandra is overrated and in this forum Adriana. I don't see anything in Alesandra. She has an relativley pretty face but it isn't anything special and I hate her body. She is too thin! Oh my god... I always wonder why she is a model. Adriana on the other side is very beautiful. I think no one can deny it. Nevertheless, she isn't the most beautiful girl in the world. There are still many parts which I consider as average if not below-average (but not ugly). Those parts I'm talking about are for example her teeth and therefore her whole smile ,which is very important for agirl I think, her legs ( too thin, not really curvy), the shape of her face (too round) and of course everything fake on her (her BREASTS but I know that no one will ever believe me until she discloses it). I also thin that Girsele and Heidi are overrated. Nonetheless, the thing with Heidi doesn't upset me as Gisele does because Heidi seems to be very likeable.
  7. she looks so perfect... http://img38.exs.cx/img38/6829/5465456.jpg http://img38.exs.cx/img38/8444/ais177a.jpg http://img65.exs.cx/img65/311/ali.jpg http://img52.exs.cx/img52/8900/3366.jpg images over 600 pixels have to be posted as links or thumbnails. edited by neo52285
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