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Everything posted by Angie

  1. Oh ok, I thought you would have meant something like "manic"!
  2. What is "manish"? What does that mean?
  3. But if you compare it to Ale's, Gisele's or Heidi's it is not as well...
  4. I didn't mean to offend when i said that her speaking is not too good... but my sis has been to the US for about a year and now she is speaking almost perfectly, though her english was not very "outstanding". U know, i thought it must be easy to learn a language when you are surrounded by the words all the time, but i agree that it is harder for Adriana as she travels so much... As i said i don't think that Adri is dumb! In my opinion she is very intelligent!
  5. I don't think Adri is dumb, but for me it is kind of weird that her English is still so bad... i mean it is bad for someone who lives in the US for such a long time!
  6. Is Megan still doing VS? Because there are no photos from her in the catalogue.
  7. Angie


    They are posted on page 18. They're with rapidshare, so they should still be online. You can jump to page 18 by clicking on the left link saying "39 pages" on top and then just type the number (something i just found out )
  8. Angie


    Thank you Acro! I've just watched it, it's great! I especially love the music ! (Must admit I'm a little techno freak ) And the music with pictures of Adriana... Nice work jessica! We wanna see some more of it
  9. Angie


    Hey, that doesn't work for me! I downloaded a codec package from microsoft, but it still isn't working. Typically for my computer... <_< ... and for microsoft
  10. Angie


    Thank you so much!
  11. Angie


    Hi everyone! I have found these pictures on a website, they are quite similar to what has been posted already ( or maybe they are reposts ), but who cares...
  12. Angie


    Could someone post the VH1-special about the angels? Please...
  13. I was wondering if this one is VS or not... but it definetly shows a nice booty...
  14. Angie


    Thank you for alle the beautiful videos !!! That saint tropez file is awesome!! I know it's been a lot of hard work for you to get them, so I really appreciate that! Thank you!
  15. I personally think that the guy who photographed the new VS-pics (especially the ones with the clouds) is an idiot. He managed to make the most sexy woman in the world look not half as beautiful as possible... even I could have taken better pictures!!
  16. I hope this one hasn't been posted yet... enjoy
  17. Err... I would post some screenshots of the vids if I only knew how ... Well I'll try:
  18. Hi guys, I have found some vids of Ana. I don't know if you have them already, but I just have to post them because she is really cute in it.. (besides excuse my terrible english!!) Go to http://www.tally-weijl.com/home.asp?l=de&p=download and then click on one of the two links...
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