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Everything posted by Angie

  1. Angie


    I've made a wallpaper with some space at the left side and I'd like to put a little poem or sth like that there, but i'm just too uncreative... Do you know some site where i can find one, i mean a real sexxy one that matches Adriana?
  2. Angie


    Omg, I luuuuv these new candids! I think they are my all time favs!! Thank you all so much
  3. Sorry, that was me, forgot to log in!
  4. You can only steal the identity of real persons, but not from someone that is made up by your fantasy. A friend of mine was member of a forum where all were pretenders, it was kinda obligation! They did not pretend to be extremely rich or beautiful models, but to look like monsters, extremely ugly, and she told me it was so much fun! I don't agree with the point that you deceive other people. How sure is anything that is posted on the internet? I can only speak for myself, but when i am online, i always have in back of my mind that there is no guarantee for the truth, so i don't get disappointed. You can only be deceived and hurt by them if you let them, if you take them too serious, know what i mean? After all it is relative, that can happen to you in real life, too, even worse. I believe this is a risk you have to take as well in life as in the internet. Of course it is silly if someone pretents to be a famous model. But so what? I don't say: "Get out of here", I am above that and just ignore them. Those who pretend in order to annoy others are idiots, i know, but for those who don't want to do any harm and only want fun... i can live with that. I love you all, this is just my opinion, i don't want to insult anybody
  5. Where did i personalize things? Well, maybe it's really best to end this topic, i feel some kind of misunderstood, too.
  6. Angie


    Nice! Thank you natalie! That's my fav vid of her!
  7. Thank you honey! Want to give that luv back! Yes, i totally know what you mean, i also hate it when people do that, because of all the hard work... But we were "cat-fighting" about if it's wrong or right to use a photo of another person (like Adriana's) to make up a character. Sure it's a little ridiculous, but I think if they are happy with it, let them do... but still i don't see such an extremely harm in it, can't help it! Or did you just mean that with removing the tag?
  8. Maybe it's best to stop this discussion...
  9. I didn't mean you Brooke. That was only referring to the quoted post What i am trying to say is that it is not wrong to make up somebody as your character on the internet.
  10. Yeah, you're right... you DO sound bitchy. You equalise it too much. And you kind of assault me just because i am of another opinion. I think you exactly knew that anybody would be able to take your pictures when you posted them. So if you don't want anybody to have them don't post them! And to me it is quite careless to provide all personal data, it's kinda your own fault, I would never do that. If you want to have the advantages of the internet, you must take the risks, that's how i see it (or be more careful?)
  11. Wait a moment --- isn't this the special thing about the internet, that you can make up a person or pretend to be someone else? (Or why do most people here have a picture of Adriana in their avatar instead one of themselves?) If it doesn't hurt anybody... if you're willing to do so i'm ok with it. And what martino and I love Adriana were writing - You could also say that it is so poor that people here spend so much time on admiring a model and getting pictures of her and you could tell them "get a life". First i liked this place very much, but people here seem to become so grim when it comes to Adriana. I don't want to insult anybody but this is something that is pissing me off for quite a time...
  12. Angie


    Well, I think the prince is not bad at all... Maybe some people here are just jealous
  13. I know this sounds strange ... but does anybody have this one in SMALLER resolution? I only have this scan, but I need the original pic from the VS site for a wallpaper... Thanx in advance
  14. Angie


    About a year ago, I found an editorial with a girl that reminded me of Adriana. Back then I thought it was absolutely her, but now I'm not convinced any more... It was a German issue of Elle Girl, as far as I can remember it was the July 2004 issue. Has anybody heard of Adriana doing such an editorial?? Maybe I am (finally <_< ) able to scan it, but that may take a week or so.
  15. Angie


    It is kind of sad that she isn't taking such photos. Is that stated in her contract ? Just curious...
  16. Angie


    She looks so beautiful... Thank you so much Lullaby!
  17. Angie


    Wow! From which video are these from? I want it !
  18. Angie


    A little more contrast in this one:
  19. Angie


    Hi, I've made a wallpaper, i know there are still faults in it, but i was too lazy to get them out... ... hope you like it!
  20. Yeah, that's true, I love Scarlett Johansson's voice! And besides she is a wonderful actor, but i know this is the wrong thread... But do you know what i would love to hear? Adriana with a french accent, because I think the French accent is the sexiest in the world! Hm, maybe one day French, the other day Brasilian?!
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