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Everything posted by Miz_B

  1. They're probably re-doing the biofit and will re-launch it at a later date like they have done in the past with other collections. I'm not too worried about Adriana and VS parting ways just yet. Well, it's looking like she could possibly be pregnant again. I was hoping she wouldn't pull a Jessica Simpson. Damn you Marko.
  2. Miz_B


    Not loving this collection. I'm happy she didn't get he most hideous outfit. Face looks fierce though.
  3. I'm honestly sick of both sides of it right now. People who believe she isn't pregnant, including myself (at the moment there just isn't enough evidence to convince me just yet) and those who think she is. I can honestly sit here and argue both sides but its so redundant. Every damn time there are pregnancy rumors this board starts to sound like a broken record. The same people saying the same thing. It's almost like a few posters are playing "let's see how many different times I can re-word my original statement." Good grief! Like it has been said for the billionth time, only time will tell. People are going to stand by their statements so what's the use of trying to get others to see where you're coming from when it will just be debated? That's all I have to say on this subject.
  4. That's great she's letting her hair down and all but girl needs to party her behind to a new project soon.
  5. Miz_B


    Like someone said, only time will tell if she's pregnant. I don't believe she is but I could very much be wrong. That little bulge was there for the IWC event. It was noticeable to me the most in the black and white dress esp in one of the head on pictures. I can't post picture now but if you look at the link, you'll see what I'm talking about. You can tell the dress is contouring the bulge. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2266812/Adriana-Lima-Karolina-Kurkova-heavenly-little-black-dresses-racing-event.html#axzz2KhjtNPTy You start showing around 3/4 months, right? If that's the case it's not adding up to me because that would mean she conceived around October. Like I said, this is my thought on the subject.
  6. Miz_B


    Loving all the new Candids
  7. This. My thoughts exactly. The fashion industry takes holidays too. No need to start feeling a certain way, just yet.
  8. Miz_B


    ^I find it hard to believe this was taken in Miami, when it was mid 70s this past weekend. Far too warm to be wearing UGGs and a heavy fleeced (or w/e type of material) coat or hoodie.
  9. Miz_B


    Oh Adriana.... The hair, make up, body everything looks great except well you guys can guess where I'm going with this. Thanks for the pics wendylorene.
  10. Miz_B


    That's why I said someone who can style her age appropriate. Of course I'm not saying she needs to hook up with one of Rihanna's stylist, I was just throwing names of stylists who do good jobs of styling their clients.
  11. Miz_B


    I'm pretty sure a few years ago, it was stated here that she had a stylist. She was an older woman. I'm not sure if they still work together, but it could explain why Adriana dresses older for her age. Ugh, if they're still working together she needs to be cut loose. Adriana needs to be sent to June Ambrose, Monica Roae, or one of Rihanna's stylist..SOMEONE who can style her age appropriate and can get her on best dressed lists.
  12. Ay yi yi. I wish V.S would go back to having 5 angels. I remember watching their documentary on vh1 when they did the AAA tour and they were talking about how being an Angel was like a privilege basically. I'm pretty sure they had some type of criteria back then. now they make anyone an Angel these days.
  13. Miz_B


    She looks gorgeous at the after party. Not loving the dress. Girl needs to fire her stylist.
  14. Miz_B


    Thank you!!! I cringe a lot of times when reading Adriana's board with some of the stuff people say. There is ABSOLUTELY no reason why Ale's and Adriana's body should be compared. None what so ever. Yeah I could understand the logic of comparing if they had their babies a few days apart, not months. It has been said many times but people need to understand that not every woman loses baby weight at the same rate as the next woman. I was excited for Adriana when I saw the backstage pictures, but seeing runway pics, I'm a little disappointed with the outfits. Perhaps my opinion will change when I see the show. I want to know exactly what the hell is going on in that 5(?) minute span from when they're about to go walk to the point where they get on the runway, to make the models look like blah. Secondly, it's obvious V.S doesn't know how to budget. They did not need to spend money on having three performers. Rihanna, alone would have been more than good. I know having all three wasn't cheap (too bad Rihanna's album doesn't come out the week of Dec4th. would have been great promo! lol) They could have used that money for better outfits. They need to look at the fashion shows from 2005 and back when planning. I can't take the shows serous now.
  15. Miz_B


    She looks beautiful. I hope she leaves all the blowing kisses backstage.
  16. Miz_B


    Damn hottie alert... http://i50.tinypic.com/2le3zox.jpg Not sure if its recent Twitter.com/adrianalima
  17. I wouldn't read too far into that huffington RT. But I understand where you're coming from Cherrybomb. I still can't believe the news in Miami did like a 2 minute story on this, sharing her plead for Ivy's return, and interviewing the family that kept the dog. It's kinda messed up that when the interviewer asked if they have been looking for Ivy, the woman shakes her head no but tries to play it off when someone else answers yes. Now what I want to know is, which poster is responsible for this tweet (not exact words but) "maybe stress will bring the baby"--- Really though?
  18. For her to be 10 months in September, it will depend on which week it is and it's very unlikey that her doc would allow her to deliver that late, putting her health in danger. IMO, she may be past her due date already, so they have a date picked out to induce her.
  19. Sounds like she's still pregnant. She was just subtweeting a friend
  20. I swear if there is no birth announcement by the end of next week, I'm just going to assume she had the baby but is keeping hush hush about it. She has been pregnant longer than Kristen Cavalri and the chick just had her baby.
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