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Posts posted by Layla90

  1. track, I guess you're sorta right with this high fashion model thing, but Anja herself always seemed so unenthusiastic about doing these shows... and everytime I visit tfs (which is not too often) and VS is mentioned many of their members freak out like the company is tainting their precious pret-a-porter girls :cain:

    VS loves this ...


  2. ^I heard it just once... I know another song of his a bit better, something with 'Girls girls girls I just can't say no' or something like that... I get a 'Bieber for older teenagers/early 20-year-olds' vibe from him :wacko:

  3. Looked some pages back, I'm glad I was after dinner when I looked through, otherwise I'd get too hungry! :p (not that this thread didn't make me a bit hungry even though I was full).

    Some of these things you post guys look delicious others... well... :ninja:

    Anyway, I just made quesadillas for the first today (I know, I'm so late with my life, haha) and as I had one flour tortilla left, I made a skillet tortilla pizza. Here's the link:


    Instead of mozarella, I used a different kind of cheese and added a few slices of salami.

  4. Another note for the day:

    Anyone who reads and genuinely enjoys Fifty Shades of Grey deserves a bullet to the fucking head. There is a VERY big difference between a consensual BDSM relationship that can enhance a sex life and being emotionally abused by a manipulative psychopathic asshole... Please, let's romanticize abuse of women because really, we don't get enough of that. I am fucking ashamed of women who are glorifying this sort of relationship and finding it sexy. Screw you. Purge yourself from the population.

    What is Fifty Shades of Grey?

    Twilight 'erotic' fanfic.

    No really, better read this--> http://50shadesofsuck.tumblr.com/ sums the book perfectly

  5. I thought I'd post this song here... at first I thought it sounds too much like other various foreign singers, but the more I listen to it, the less certain of it I am....

    Does she sound to you like other artists, and if so, who?


  6. These days, every person with a face can be famous....

    I have a chance to become famous then :shock: joking :p or not...

    Anyway, I didn't know they are about to open the first VS London store... does anyone know who did they want (which models) to go there for the opening? Supposedly there is also a new VS boutique about to open in my city but the date was not announced... I wonder if they would have models at that opening? Somehow I doubt it but keep me reported on that ;)

  7. I don't think it's the case of the more famous you are the more haters you get.

    I mean who can hate Messi (YES- I'm a Barca fan :p )?

    Most soccer-players don't really seem to stand out in ways of their personal life, and ones that do (in a kinda bad way) like Ronaldo, Beckham and Balotelli seem to generate a lot of negative attention for being different.

    Though Euro has ended and I don't wanna talk about or remember it anymore,but just for the occasion of mentioning Balotelli,21 years,he's making the news these days ,just after Italy's defeat day,it was announced that he's gonna be dad for the first time,his ex-girlfriend and model Raffaella Fico is pregnant with his child,they ended their relation in April,and she found out about pregnancy in May.


  8. Porky's trilogy....

    Wendy: Is Mike Hunt here? Has anyone seen Mike Hunt?

    Meat: Everybody in town, from what I hear.


    also, finally got to watch "Manhattan" and "Rebel without a cause"

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