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Everything posted by ninanina19

  1. I look really bad in that pic. Besides the focus is the body lol. I have the original pic on my photobucket. Now if I could only remember which one, I have 10 .
  2. ninanina19


    Stupid rain. Yes seriously. Tennis is never shown here except when it comes to ATP events and Grand slams. And the ATP events, tennis is only shown in the later rounds and for like 2 hours or so. Everyone here ordered tennis channel except my family.
  3. ninanina19


    Yes. Great, when? Not sure the exact date. In June though.
  4. No, but at the end of last year he let fans email him 50 questions on his wevsite and I asked who his favorite VS model was and he picked my question and answered.
  5. She looks HOT in the video. I don't like the new hair though.
  6. Jeisa Emporio Armani scans. Thanks to Drakulita and her site http://jeisa-chiminazzo.com/ :
  7. Yeah. I love Carol, she reminds me of Jeisa actually. Shy, pretty, GREAT sexy body, and great boobs of course. I love both her and Jeisa and they have the two best bodies right now. But you guys are just silly. Obsessed more like it. It's hilarious to read. I cracked up when you said "Do you think Caroline would be impressed if I tattooed her name across my chest?" or something like that. Lol.
  8. Grr, I always misspell like liek.
  9. But ym arms are so fat now. They were like drooping. I have really bad posture. Thanks btw .
  10. This is what my body looked like 10 pounds ago: Now I have cellulite on the back of my legs and my stomach pops out. I used to have a tiny waist and skinny arms. I'm not fat I guess but I wish I was thinner. I'm like Saclett Johansson now I guess.
  11. Well not 15, but like 10.
  12. I just need to eat less. I've gained like 15 pounds since last summer.
  13. Btw I actually asked Andy that question myself^^^.
  14. Mario Lopez likes Adriana Lima. Andy Roddick likes Alessandra Ambrosio.
  15. ninanina19


    Haha I loved Serena's interview: She sure isn't modest
  16. ninanina19


    They're not even showing any coverage tomorrow!!! edit: :persuazn:
  17. I enjoy reading people's comments especially your best body and best boobs thread. Also I think you're hilarious in the Caroline Trentini thread . Anyway are the pics that were most recently posted on TFS anything new?
  18. She's not hot any more. But there was a time back in 2004 when she used to be.
  19. Paris sucks and she looks like a bird. At least Nicole used to be hot.
  20. I agree^^^except I never met her.
  21. Yeah, it's hard to get an invite.
  22. ninanina19


    Hey Dajana, do you live in Belgrade? I'm going there for the summer actually.
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