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Everything posted by dubstep

  1. From what I was it was Sara, Erin, Ashley and some other girls. Edit: Hailey, Kelly and I've got no idea who this other girl is.
  2. I think it's her eyebrows, or just.. She has kind of a mean look to her and not in the good way? It's weird I can't describe it but it's definitely something around her eyes.
  3. I like Robyn's look, her body imo is better than say.. Hailey Clauson, who looked pregnant in the shots I have seen of her from earlier previews and all. Something about her face is throwing me off..
  4. I kind of expected/hoped for it. By the theory she did have a tagline/feature on that one cover. But by this theory Erin got next, so I'm hoping for a break in tradition. Hannah looks amazing.
  5. Good body but her face reminds me a little of Bill Skarsgard..
  6. Thanks Pretty! Previews are awesome, looking forward to Monday even more.
  7. Wow I am loving these so far, save for that frightening Samantha Hoopes thing...
  8. It says that now, I am saying when she first started buzzing there wasnt much about her and when asked she wouldn't answer.
  9. It is pretty common, recently I can remember a whole thing about Jessica Chastain never really being upfront about her age. Not everybody comes out in the public eye with a full bio and birthdate and all that stuff.
  10. All I've seen in here is Wozniacki but I'm also curious about who else could be in.
  11. +1 for some diversity, but even with all the fuss about things everywhere I doubt that will happen, which is really unfortunate.
  12. Kelly's not as bad as some of the regulars that people go up for, not terribly offensive - cute on instagram.
  13. Where did Chanel shoot, she's not on there and I thought she was confirmed? I think she might have shot twice, she had a picture that she posted and quickly deleted off instagram.
  14. Which sucks because I loved most of her shots last year. She easily could have replaced Samantha Hoopes imo
  15. Agreeing with all of this, I don't care much for Sara and I thought Marloes was disappointing so I'm not surprised she isn't back. Mainly looking forward to Hannah D, Chanel & Stephanie.
  16. Thanks Pretty! IDK this sounds like it might not be half bad.
  17. I'm curious about Chanel and Hannah D's shots if you can give any insight
  18. I'm curious about the rookie reveal and surprisingly enough, the other athletes aside from Caroline.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT3tHzqmkng
  20. I wonder if they'll do Letterman or not, because the top 10 with the girls was always my favorite.
  21. Bregje's body is sexy but her face can get intense at times and not in the best way.
  22. I'd honestly rather see Lily than Hannah F or Nina, I don't get what everyone sees in them - I think Hannah is incredibly boring and Nina is overrated. LIly had some great shots last year.
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