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Everything posted by barilace

  1. Yes omg...it's just the whole vibe from those photos of him with the knit cap thingy. I know it's such a cliche thing to find so hot but omg...he just seems to be in such a no-fucks-were-given vibe at that moment in time and UNFFFFF. and jesus lord i just want to lick his jaw/stubble in that photo so badly. yes, i need help. LMFAOOO.i've been reading too many ontd posts about kristen stewart, my brain is going bonkers.
  2. Oh god. That photo makes me want to orgasm on repeat. I stg. Smoking is so gross...but omg him in that picture...I can't even live. I also have that icon - well, I had it at LJ. I need to use it again. Lol.
  3. I think a lot of people think he's a vegetarian because he hangs out with Tobey so much and Tobey orders vegetarian foods...so they just make that confusion. LOL he is mega, mega covering his face in those photos.
  4. that dude does kinda look like Leo - except his head is like all pointy or something. It looks like someone took Leo and Stewie from Family Guy and bred them to make that dude. eta: it so kinda does
  5. Thanks for the pics! Something I've always wondered: Does anyone know what happened to Leo's friend...uh....was it Jerry? The puffy, red hair guy. All of his friends seem to still be his friends but I never see the puffy, red hair dude anymore. Lol.
  6. Damn, I hadn't heard that Oxford. wtf creepy as hell. Those poor, poor people. I even heard a 3 month old was killed during the shooting.
  7. Well actually princess that happened but also last night/this morning/whatever a man in a Colorldo midnight showing came in and shot a bunch of people - like 50 were injured and 12 were actually killed. Holy crap. Now I will be scared to go to midnight showings. Eta: now I see that I think you knew that, I just didn't fully read your reply heh
  8. But no one is putting down Erin. It's Leo that's being put down since if he were to do any type of cheating while Erin might be out working or doing her own thing is not a negative towards Erin. But Leo. Lol nOt that I think he is but no one is saying if he were that it would make Erin look pathetic or dependent. Also so sad what happened in Colorado at Nolan's batman movie. Good lord it makes me nervous to go to midnight showings now. People are so insane. I Stg. Welcome rainy day!
  9. I love how classy Leo is compared to Matt in that video. He's so guarded with how he comes across in the public eye because I bet irl he's got such a mouth on him and probably is doing crazy shit around the people he's most comfortable with....how he can control EVERYTHING about how he presents himself to the media is just ridunk amazing - and I'm not just talking about pr since he doesn't actually physically control that - but you can just see how he really sets out and thinks about his answers and how he's coming across and even control his body language and basically let's himself fold into himself so people will just get as much info out of him that will support his film and not make it about him as a person. NOW THAT IS A GOOD ACTOR. OMG I WANT TO LICK YOU, LEO. so lovely. also yeah, he's more flirtatious with the woman in the body of lies video even tho i think the woman in the departed video is hotter...or is it the same woman? idk. i know i've seen the body of lies video a lot and don't want to rewatch it right now lol.
  10. to everyone. I'm sorry if I made anyone feel sad but that's not at all what I was trying to do. I just like to poke fun at Leo sometimes - and it's not in anyway directed towards any poster here who thinks differently. It's just...how I interact on the internet. Lol. You are more than welcome to come in and "debate" with me or others with your spin on things, that's what makes forums fun. But aw at Erin living in Leo's apartment. I saw that posted on tumblr first and I legit thought it was an engagement announcement and almost screamed since I was like: OMG ERIN MUST BE PREGNANT AND THIS IS WHY LEO IS FINALLY WIFEING SOMEONE. ...and then I saw it wasn't and felt sad since I want LEO BABIES.
  11. I don't know why people are getting so upset. This forum is 8.5 times out of 10 a very, very positive place in regards to Leo. And I like that. But you can't tell people that they can't have negative feelings or laugh about Leo or crack jokes about aspects of his personality just because you helped create a thread or what have you. I mean, I completely get your point but...come on. Leo is a person - he is multi layered and possible of both negative and positive actions, and as fans at a forum, we're going to discuss each side of the spectrum. People will have their laughs and post a few jokes for a page or two and then it'll get back to people being insanely excited about Django and Gatsby and wanting magazine shoots and wanting photos of Leo travelling or whatever. I think people just need to calm down and just chill...if Leo is talked about in a overtly negative way and that upsets you, just close the thread for a bit. If Leo is talked about in a overtly positive way and that upsets you, just close the thread for a while. It's really not that serious. I don't see people attacking actual users. They might be laughing at Leo or laughing at rumors but that's not the same as attacking users. If people are? Then that's shitty. But it's not attacking a user just to lol at Leo. And I know this might sound harsh...but like...yes, we're all fans of Leo's but being a fan doesn't mean that you have to be completely in awe of everything he says or does. And I don't think it's cool to police the way people choose to be a fan of a person. But love to all And Mr. DiCaprio lol
  12. They always say that about the past girlfriend - that Leo is missing her so much etc etc. I'll believe it when I see him back with Bar. (which I wouldn't mind since their coloring is so similar that I think they'd make such gorgeous gorgeous children lmfao, not that the same coloring is needed in parents...cause hey, I'm biracial myself... but...Leo and Bar babies would be sickeningly gorgeous.)
  13. Oh yeah I agree that a lot of people see the negative with Leo since its scandalous~ and people feed on that. And sometimes its just kinda fun to mock. Lmfao. But, us, as fans here, are probably more than likely to give Leo the benefit of the doubt. it's just funny to laugh at. Idk why but it is. Lmao. But I like to mock all my favorite celebs. it's out of love that I laugh at Leo. Lol.
  14. It's not that I absolutely think its true. It's probably not. But then it might be? I mean, we'd all believe a tweet about Leo buying Erin flowers or something sweet like that without even blinking an eye, so I don't know what's the big deal about wondering If something negative might be true. Lol. Though I hope Leo is not that stupid and more savvy w knowing that could get out so easily in this media crazy world. But you never know. Hmm. But oh well. I still heart him since it's not like I have to deal w it in real life and people are human.
  15. Such a tsk tsk Leo! For shame! Tsk tsk. Can't keep his dick in his pants.
  16. L m a o. Lainey is so ridiciollus. The head of the table could be either where Leo's at or where the other guy sitting across from Leo is at. Now I am just having these hilarious thoughts of Leo telling grown ass men where and how to sit and do everything. HAHAHAHA. Come on, Lainey. Lord
  17. HAHAHA. And it looks like an ugly version of Ryan Gosling is standing behind him.
  18. He looks like he's giving Puff Daddy a blow job. I CAN'T GO ON. lmfaooooooo
  19. Oh yeah, I mean I like some girlfriends more than others too. Lol. I'm not the hugest Blake fan, personally. But I can't stand when people want to dissect everything any of his girlfriends do and trash them once they breakup with Leo or what have you. Also to compare them and etc etc. Why not question why Leo would get with someone you (not you, just in general "you") find so annoying, instead of just trashing the girl? But oh no...no one will do that since Leo has a golden penis and he's amazing...never at fault. IT BOTHERS ME. LOL.
  20. Bar haters are so insane. DO YOU SEE THAT BODY SHE HAS? GIRL CAN GET ANY MAN SHE WANTS, BASICALLY. F LEO. God people annoy me w the hate they give girlfriends of Leo's. IT'S SO GROSS, ESPECIALLY SINCE WE'RE ALL BASICALLY LADIES. LIKE...GROSS. Leo does not want to fuck you. GET OVER IT. HE HAS HIS FINE ASS MODELS TO BANG. YOU THINK HE WANTS TO TAP YOUR/OUR BASIC ASSES? Um, NO. But...I always wonder what Leo does with all his doggies when he's constantly travelling. I guess he has people he pays to take care of them/let them out/whatever? IDEK. But he's been like on the go non-stop this past year or so. BUT NO...I HOPE HE DIDN'T GIVE DJANGO TO BAR, I LIKE SEEING LEO WALKING HIS LITTLE FAT PUPPY AROUND.
  21. Aw poor Leo. He is constantly breaking himself. I legit think he shot up height wise all of a sudden around 17ish and that's why he walks lol since he can't control his limbs. hence him falling down and breaking himself. lmfao.
  22. This is not the photo I remember. The photo I remember was...I think a few years earlier than this photo and the thing on his wrist was bigger (lmfao I sound so dumb)? But you can see he's got some type of wrap thing on his wrist here:
  23. If I remember correctly, I think it was like....during Gangs of NY promotion? But don't quote me...since I could be completely wrong and just have imagined it. I swear tho, I think he was wearing a black button up shirt. NOW I NEED TO GO LOOK AROUND. I could be hallucinating tho and not remembering it correctly. ETA: Also how did Leo escape not being photographed when his face was healing from being slashed with that bottle by that cray lady?
  24. Ooh he looks so pretty in that photo of him sitting by the window. Asshole. And yuck, his poor hand. Doesn't he have a tendency to injure himself while filming? LOL. I remember him wearing like a brace on his wrist (I believe?) a few years back. It seems like I saw him wear something like that a few times.
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