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Everything posted by superRDF

  1. i agree she looks gorgeous either way but i prefer the darker blonde.
  2. wow she looks gorgeous here and thanks for all the recent candids
  3. zinio via visualoptimism @ tfs Harper's Bazaar Turkey January 2012 fashiongonerogue via visualoptimism @ tfs she looks amazing i think i like the images they published in the turkey issue a bit better but an awesome shoot overall
  4. that's great news. always love to hear her getting work speaking of work xD just found these on tumblr and are new to me source : lovelyandimuise she looks amazing!
  5. I didn't know it was him playing Tony Stark's dad in Captain America, but I liked it. He was fantastic in the Devil's Double though! I'm looking forward to seeing big things from him in the future :Dfor
  6. same (: though i kinda wish it wasn't private xD though i understand her want for privacy
  7. thanks for all the videos and photos
  8. http://www.gq.com/video/videos/model-kate-upton-interview video to accompany the article so gorgeous
  9. just saw this today. two girls, one kupton xD it's actually a nice little read too and thanks for the screencaps
  10. lmfao they're re-making the three stooges?!? i hope they do it justice and kate's scene actually made me laugh xD
  11. thanks for all the adds even if her work isn't as frequent as it may have been with VS i'm liking her new stuff 10x more. she looks stunning.
  12. her shoots for gq are always amazing thanks for all the additions everyone
  13. That's complicated. You don't see, like, Miranda Kerr's personal pics around and other models one's too. No, it isn't complicated. Just because someone else was disrespectful enough to post them doesn't mean it has to be posted again. Things off twitter - fair enough, whoever's put them there has done so with the knowledge they are viewable to the general public. But those photos above, almost all of them are from her private facebook account (when it existed) or her friends, therefore in my opinion should not be posted as they were only intended for a select few people. I have personal photos of Rosie that have never been posted here, and do I post them? No. Because I actually have some respect for the girl. I wouldn't want my private images splashed around and I know she doesn't either. The same should apply to any model or celebrity unless they or their publicity willingly make them available themselves. unfortunately that's the curse of being a celebrity in the internet age. when you put things on twitter, facebook, etc. even if it's private there's always going to be someone who takes them and posts them somewhere for the public. is it wrong? i'd say without the permission of said celeb yeah. they should have a right to post what they want without fear of it getting out, especially when it's supposed to be private but that being said they should also know the nature of the internet by now and that no matter how hard you try if you post something on the web it has a chance of getting out into the public; whether it's right or wrong. and to stay on topic thanks for all the new photo additions she looks great in Harpers Bazaar
  14. i have to admit i haven't sat down and watched the show for the last two or three years i've watched bits and pieces of this year's and i don't get the blurring thing though i do remember noticing they cut down on the butt/turn around shots over the last few years so i'm assuming it's a network thing...even though they did it before... <_< and just to contribute i've always watched it for the models/girls in lingerie i enjoy the artists performance but i probably would still enjoy it with just good music playing and no artist.
  15. Andi has a new twitter! it's not verified by twitter yet but i think the photo speaks for itself Real Andi Muise
  16. she definitely has the best case. and like you said, she meets all the unwritten criteria that the si cover models have. either way i'm looking forward to this issue
  17. +1 and i didn't know anne was in her 8th
  18. yeah, if that was actually esti's reason for not being in the issue then it's a shame. Who knows, maybe she would have been in the running this year but once you start making demands and such you're chances plummet. and i agree, maybe next year but probably too soon for Kate, simply because of the veterans. i'm biased so i'd like to see Bar get the cover for her comeback but i wouldn't be surprised if any of the other 3 or 4+ year girls got it.
  19. Bar, Nina, and Kate...this might be the greatest SI ever
  20. i don't know if you guys have been following the si swimsuit thread but this was posted yesterday courtesy of MissLima it was also the same day Scott Lipps tweeted about going to Bar's secret shoot. and she looks amazing in that Richard Ramos shoot
  21. oh come on, that's just torturing us about it now <_< fingers crossed it's si work!
  22. thank for all the candid additions everyone seems like she's having a great time there
  23. thanks for the avi's and i agree with Barbie. personally I like the passionata photos better than the ones she did for bonita (though they were amazing as well)
  24. a fainting emoticon would be perfect right now she looks amazing
  25. she just tweeted: Feels like a movie set in foggy Holland with a picture attached. so i guess that's one mystery solved
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