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    The Netherlands

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  1. ^ These pictures make me laugh, his standard hand gesture is that rock gesture, it makes him more cuter! :blueeyedbaby:
  2. The video, especially Francisco, was mismerising and beautiful. Not hot or sexy, no it was beautiful. A good job Luca! But a bad mistake from him in the credits; he wrote Lachowsky, in stead of Lachowski! And there is another vid of him, a totally different! It's from pull & bear, he is so cute there! click here
  3. Oh I can't wait for the jwu vid. I was totally in love with the last one and I played it like 15 times a day!
  4. ohhh this is my new favorite photo of him so cute looking,he looks all boyish( instead modely lol) Yeah I totally agree! Plus I like the pic with Max Motta, because those 2 are my two favourite male models
  5. Which one!? Haute Couture's in July, pret-a-porter will be in ... uhm like ... September? Oh sorry haha I confused it with the men fashion week!
  6. Yes u are totally right. With that style you can definitly see his 50% Polish No, I actually meant it the other way around, lol. With that hairstyle, he looks more Asian than Polish (he doesn't look like a guy with Slavic kinds of looks AT ALL, by the way Still, the fact that he's 50% Polish makes me so idioticallly happy ahahaha Haha lol ok, I think he looks more polish but I understand why you think he looks more Asian, it's because of his squeezed eyes and the blush they gave him.
  7. Yes u are totally right. With that style you can definitly see his 50% Polish
  8. Love all these pics but in the versace he looks like an angel face devil because the hair
  9. Awh i love that pic. It so sweet! And damn i miss all the live streams because of school. hate that :-(
  10. Well, now I'm curious But then, again, it would be even weirder if they didn't change his hairstyles for various shows. At least he doesn't look like Bruno Mars (because he did in some photos with a certain hairstyle....) You can find the pics of Carlo Pignatelli on ohmyfrancisco.tumblr.com
  11. Wow, I like the Fashion Weeks so much, it's always very exciting and a lot of Francisco! And love the pics after the D&G show.
  12. Sorry, I didn't know she has been a competitor before! I didn't see her in the list!
  13. Gymnasium? I don't understand. Isn't that like a place where people do sports? Well, at least it is for me.. Hhahha yes, in English it is a place where people do sports. But in Dutch (and in Hungarain) it is the highest education. When you get that, you learn Greek and Latin also and it's more extensive than the other educations. Like if you do High school when you are 10 or something.
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