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  1. Out of curiosity, where did you find the HQ? I can only find lower quality on the site. You have to press on enlarge button. When the picture is fully loaded, click on open image. Thanks. Wasn't working for me earlier for some reason.
  2. Out of curiosity, where did you find the HQ? I can only find lower quality on the site.
  3. Hey Matute, still wondering if you have the source for this?
  4. I think you're missing the point where your photos don't show a change from a shorter, wider nose to a longer, thinner one. Maybe you've seen better evidence of it, but your posted pictures are not it. All the other talk--about lighting, make-up, weight-loss, etc.--was just the courtesy of giving you the benefit of the doubt. Returning with condescension, under the circumstance, is just pathetic. u know the "pathetic" girl I am already moved on far far away from this... So quoting me after 3 pages (someone talked about returning with condescension?) to tell me I am pathetic well... No comment <_< Oh & one more thing: this is a discussion forum and no one gave me the courtesy of giving me the benefit of the doubt because I stand my opinion & I don't need people like you to explain by a+b how wrong I am. I even ignored your first post because it was... how do u say that already? Oh yes! condescend. U have your opinion & i have mine. Now move on. Oh, honey, forgive me for responding to something you posted on August 12th on August 12th. There was nothing condescending about my first post. You posted photos you thought showed one thing, and I explained how they might show another. Someone disagreeing with you is not being condescending or mean or whatever your hurt little ego thinks. You, on the other hand, then laughed at everyone who didn't see it your way, despite your way not being supported by your own evidence. You're entitled to all the opinions you want, but, despite popular belief, "opinions" about demonstrably provable information can be wrong. Also realize that my disagreeing with you, hell, even my arguing with you does not in any way infringe upon your "right" to "opinions". What's with the control issues, by the way? People don't need your permission to give you the benefit of the doubt--a mistake that will not soon be repeated, I'm sure. They also don't need your ironic command to "move on". And don't give me this discussion bull. You started a "discussion" by playing the "which celeb has had plastic surgery game"--schadenfreude fun for the whole family!--and then categorically dismissed anyone who didn't agree with you. Move on? I've got two words for you, princess.
  5. I think you're missing the point where your photos don't show a change from a shorter, wider nose to a longer, thinner one. Maybe you've seen better evidence of it, but your posted pictures are not it. All the other talk--about lighting, make-up, weight-loss, etc.--was just the courtesy of giving you the benefit of the doubt. Returning with condescension, under the circumstance, is just pathetic.
  6. I don't see anything in those photos that can't be explained by her weight loss, her age difference, the different angles of the photos, the lighting, or make-up. To be honest, I don't see a shape change of the nose at all. Perhaps her slimmed down face is distorting your perception.
  7. Someone already asked, but nobody answered. But since I'm also quite interested in it... I ask again! What photo shoot is this nude pic from? When was the picture taken? Are there more of it? (Series?) And the most important one: Does anybody have this picture in HQ? I can't help with HQs, but the photographer is Derek Kettela. Here are some other photos, though none as...exciting: http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?s=&...t&p=1192466
  8. Looks fake. Ignoring the fact that she's an established model with no need to deal with the hive that is Model Mayhem, all of the photos are readily available online. Also some information is off. The photo from V2--my scan, mind you--is mislabeled as "Victoria's Secret Coffee Table Book."
  9. Looks like they wanted to remove the nudity without cropping the photo awkwardly, so they just photoshopped it out. Nipples were photoshopped out of this image (http://mirandakerrfan.net/gallery/displayimage.php?album=318&pid=11060#top_display_media) for instance. Its not just that though. The spot on her back changes as well. Yep, and it's all easily done with photoshop and at the discretion of the photographer.
  10. Which section of the site were these pics in?
  11. Seth Sabal recently released some older shots of Candice, Miranda, and Erin. Unfortunately, he's only shown one shot of Erin so far, but I'll keep my eye out for updates. Source: Seth Sabal, http://sethsabal.com/wordpress/
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