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Everything posted by Emma_Frost

  1. No, never! XD Is it very difficult, compared to skiing?

  2. Cats have unique characters, dogs are boring and often to stupid to make their own decisions... It's the same situation with boyfriends. Who would choose the nice, borinmg guy when they can have the independent, wild guy?
  3. It was great! Although I'm totally untalented when it comes to skiing. XD I'll not try it again,

  4. Sorry for my at reply, was in italy the whole last week. ;)

    Yes, I live in germany But when it comes to german geography I'm helpless. XD

  5. I don't know anything about german geography, too. XD

  6. Quebec, Ontario,... XD

    I'm terrible when it comes to geography.

  7. Ah, yes! Is french the mother tongue of everyone who lives in quebec?

  8. CN was not born, he fighted his way out of his mother. *lol*
  9. Do you know Jane Austen? What's your favourite book? Favourite character?
  10. Some catcher in the rhye - quotes! "I mean how do you know what you're going to do until you do it?" "I think that one of these days, you're going to have to find out where you want to go. And then you've got to start going there."
  11. Aw, pineapple! XD I always use the worng words.

  12. No. Are you thinking about a serious thing?
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