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About ElysianRaven

  • Birthday 05/04/1986

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  1. From November 9, 2010 Model: May Gil @ TFM models Photographer: Waldemar Hansson Stylist: Kawa H Pour Hair and make up: Cindy Leroux Photographer assistant: Victoire Thierree source
  2. Aerie! Thank you so much, Jillian!
  3. Did anyone see the pic Elsa put up on her FB? Would post here but rules don't let me. She's so beautiful!
  4. Those pix from Uggs are beautiful! Thanks, lovemusic!
  5. Thanks, Ophelia_Immortal, for the heads up.
  6. Beautiful pix, susan. Thanks so much!
  7. Thank you so much, JazzyJas, for the pix!
  8. Anna Wintour, Andrea Glimcher, Peter MacGill Host Cocktails in Celebration of ANNIE LEIBOVITZ's Pilgrimage in NYC photographer: Alexander Porter source
  9. VSFS 2011 Backstage by Russell James source
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