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Everything posted by Fmg0008

  1. What a down to earth and humble guy <3
  2. Get a grip okay, I can express whatever opinion I have on Iker or whoever on this and any other forum. If you don't like it... IGNORE IT! Yes he does things for charity good for him and especially the people he helps but I am not interested. Yes his a goalkeeper and it's what he does stands in front of a post with an net and stops goals going in... isn't that the purpose of a goalkeeper??? I just post photos and say what I have to say if you don't like it tough, GETTING ALL EMOTIONAL ABOUT NOTHING. Trust me, I'm not emotional about anything but you are the one who's writing in bold/red so I'd look at my own comment first. Get defensive all you want but I'm just saying because you're making yourself look like an idiot. Why? Because just like Laryssa says, why do you even come here if you hate Iker? You obviously can't stand his smug idiot look, so why go look for scans of him and post them along with a rude comment? It makes you look like a hypocrite. I really don't care if people don't like something about him but they still like him for his skills or personality but you're here telling us you pretty much hate who he is, so why bother visiting his forums? I sure would stay away from forums of people I don't like. I honestly COULD CARE LESS that you don't like Iker (I know, boohoo). I know people who don't like him but they don't constantly go to his fansites and forums saying crap about him! Grow up. And for the record, if you're making such claims and stating your opinion, prepare yourself for a backlash and have some evidence to back up your comment because other people have opinions about your opinions, ESPECIALLY IN FORUMS DEDICATED TO IKER! Nobody should have to prepare for a backlash for stating their opinions on a forum that is promoted to sharing your thoughts and opinions about specific topics. It's in saying things like that, that keep people away from the forum because they'll be too afraid from sharing what they think because they might end up getting attacked for not conforming to the majority opinion. Also you use the word hate rather liberally when I have yet to read anything from Chic in which she says that she hates him. Just because she says she doesn't like his facial expression and his attitude doesn't mean she "pretty much hate who he is." Chic has been one of the best members in the Male Athletes section providing countless photos for everyone to see in many of the threads including Iker's. Whether she does or doesn't like him shouldn't matter. She is courteous enough to bother to put photos up and just because she decides to state her opinion on one of the posts should not promote this type of attack, but rather a discussion on whether or not you agree, not to go after another member. Now can we please go back to Iker. ok, so you're saying that when she says something about Iker, or anything else for that matter, I can't state my opinion about her opinion? What kind of forum is this that someone can say whatever they want and when someone else wants to say something back, they're not allowed to or they get told? I'll remember to keep in mind that free speech is for people who have been here for a while. I guess hate is a strong word but if you really read what she says about Iker, you get something close to hate. I'm just surprised how she can stand looking at his smug idiot face while looking for pictures of him, that is all. Of course you can get back to Iker, this is what the convo was about in the first place and just like some people stated on this forum, we can express our opinions and that's what I'm doing.
  3. OK, I'm bored of conversating with you and really can't be bothered to read your comments. So let's just say you have your opinion and I have mine... that being my whole point. So let's end it cause it's not about me or you so just BUILD A BRIDGE & GET OVER IT NOW! awww it's sad that you have nothing to say. You're just a troll then.
  4. Get a grip okay, I can express whatever opinion I have on Iker or whoever on this and any other forum. If you don't like it... IGNORE IT! Yes he does things for charity good for him and especially the people he helps but I am not interested. Yes his a goalkeeper and it's what he does stands in front of a post with an net and stops goals going in... isn't that the purpose of a goalkeeper??? I just post photos and say what I have to say if you don't like it tough, GETTING ALL EMOTIONAL ABOUT NOTHING. Trust me, I'm not emotional about anything but you are the one who's writing in bold/red so I'd look at my own comment first. Get defensive all you want but I'm just saying because you're making yourself look like an idiot. Why? Because just like Laryssa says, why do you even come here if you hate Iker? You obviously can't stand his smug idiot look, so why go look for scans of him and post them along with a rude comment? It makes you look like a hypocrite. I really don't care if people don't like something about him but they still like him for his skills or personality but you're here telling us you pretty much hate who he is, so why bother visiting his forums? I sure would stay away from forums of people I don't like. I honestly COULD CARE LESS that you don't like Iker (I know, boohoo). I know people who don't like him but they don't constantly go to his fansites and forums saying crap about him! Grow up. And for the record, if you're making such claims and stating your opinion, prepare yourself for a backlash and have some evidence to back up your comment because other people have opinions about your opinions, ESPECIALLY IN FORUMS DEDICATED TO IKER!
  5. It's a personal opinion, whatever he does for charity, what he drives... blah, blah, blah doesn't mean anything when it comes to my percception of the guy. A forum is about people having opinions and some opinions will ALWAYS differ from what you like, think and believe. HIS NOT MY CAPTAIN of anything, just a guy who catches balls from a big post with a net. You may know him and his whatever he is with the people he knows or know him but I am looking from the outside and he looks smug TO ME. Not in the photoshoot Aga, I mean his smug in general. Of course that's an opinion but it would be great if you kept your opinion to yourself especially on an Iker forum. You may not like him but the majority of people do and you basically ruin their experience of this forum. I know a few people who don't visit this forum anymore because of the rude comments and now I can see why. And him buying a car, house, helping kids is something you see from the outside so I still don't agree with your opinion. He's just a guy who catches balls from a net? wow, that's really disrespectful, not just to him, but many other goalkeepers (me included). There is a lot of time and effort, not to mention psychologically, we put into games to work hard for our team and hearing someone say that is a bit rude.
  6. Wow this forum needs to calm down. There are actually iker fans that visit this place and like the pictures and I don't understand why some of you have to ruin it for everyone. I've been an iker fan since he was in Cantera and I've watched him grow and I can safely say that he is not smug or full of himself. I'm not even a real Madrid fan and it's unfortunate how you have no respect for your captain. The guy has a lot of money but lives in a normal home and owns a normal car. He goes around helping children in need so I don't understand how he's smug. And it's funny how you post these scans and don't bother to read it because reading just one of the quotes shows how humble he is. So he has become more reserved due to more media coverage he gets and since he's the captain he has to show more confidence and stand up for his team and take on more responsibility. Still unfortunate that you think that and not to mention he had won the euro and wc for our country and I wouldn't have any other person replace him especially Alonso since he shows no personality and is really bland.
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